Interlude: Ursula's Grand Scheme

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AnnieSchuyler88, Angie_aimee, y'all guessed the name! Request your one shots.

Azul put in a giant cave like thing for Gwen to hide and sleep in. He also put in a few things to entertain her while he was gone. He tried to get her to talk to him, but she hid in her new cave and ignored him.

She tossed and turned, but it was impossible to sleep. Azul had turned out all the lights and left her in the dark. Plus, Gwen was all alone in an unfamiliar place. She hated it.

After what felt like hours, she fell into an uneasy rest...


"Now's not really a good time..." Gwen muttered. "At least I have my legs back."

Gwen looked around. It was a lake with a very pretty wooded area. "A romantic... evening?"

"At least tell me your name." The prince was in a boat with the mermaid, who was now human.

A little bright red crab was conducting a musical number of some kind. "Her name is Ariel!" He whispered.

"That's a pretty name." The prince replied, not quite paying attention to his surroundings. "Ariel..."

Just as they were about to share a romantic kiss, their boat was flipped over. Gwen spotted the octopus mermaid's pet eels snickering to themselves.

Than the scene shifted to underwater.

"That girl is tougher than I thought." The octopus mermaid said. "I'll show you what my magic is really capable of!"

The scene shifted once more. She was still underwater, but now there was an older, kingly merman there.

"Ursula, enough!" He bellowed. "Release my daughter."

Ursula sneered at the king, Ariel behind her and restrained by the eels. "She belongs to me now." She said. "But I'll gladly make a trade. Her, for something more valuable." A flash of light, and a contract was in her tentacle. "King Triton, accept the deal and sign the contract!"

"Don't do it!" Gwen warned. "It's all a trick!"

The water darkened into ink, swallowing her whole.


"Azul!" Gwen cried as she landed in the abyss.

One tentacle slowly poked out of the cave, followed slowly by the others, until Azul was in view.

"It'll be okay, Azul!" Gwen assured him. "I'm here!"

"My lovely, little mermaid." Azul grinned, making his way to her. "Kiss me." He asked, wrapping his tentacles around her.

"No, not when you're like this." Gwen said.

"W-whats wrong with me?" Azul suddenly looked terrified. "Is it the way I look!? I won't let you leave me!" His grip tightened on her. "You won't leave me!"

"Azul!" Gwen cried, as he shoved her into the ink.

"You belong to me!" Azul screamed.


"Do you know how to fIght, lass?"

"I know to kick someone in the groin. And how to punch."

"Alright, yeah, that'll come in handy once or twice. But it's not quite good enough."

"What are you doing?"

"Hmm... come here. Hold it like this."

"Why am I holding a sword?"

"I'm goNna teach you how to fight with a sword."

"When can I learn how to use a trident like you?"

"When you grow gills. Now then, let's begin."


A knocking on the tank drew Gwen from her thoughts. Apparently, she just swam up to look at the glass this time.

"Hi Kit-cat." A familiar voice greeted. "Guess I came too late to warn you?"

"Che'nya!" Gwen beamed at him. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to check on mew." Che'nya replied. "I'm sorry I'm late. Exams and all."

"I don't like this." Gwen said. "It's dark, and I'm alone. I wanna go back to Leona."

"I know Kit-cat." Che'nya nodded. Then his ears pricked up. "I gotta go!"

"No, don't!" Gwen begged, but it was too late.

"Eh?" Floyd entered the Lounge. "Shrimpy? Why are you up?"

"I can't sleep..." Gwen muttered. "It's too......"

"I didn't hear that." Floyd walked closer to glass. "What was that last part?"

"It's too......" Gwen muttered again.

"Little Shrimp, tell me what's wrong or I'm gonna squeeze you!" Floyd threatened.

"IT'S TOO DARK!" Gwen shouted. "It's too dark in here. I hate the dark!"

"That's it?" Floyd rolled his eyes, before turning and leaving.

"Wait, Floyd!" Gwen called after him. "Come back!"

To her surprise, Floyd came back a few minutes later with Jade and a very sleepy Azul in tow.

"Oh, Angelfish, we're so sorry." Azul looked truly upset. "If we had known, we would've left some lights on for you!"

"Not to worry, we have a solution." Jade smiled. He and Floyd climbed up the steps and dived into the tank, changing form.

Gwen gasped. "You glow in the dark!"

Floyd and Jade smiled as they wrapped around her. "We're bioluminescent." Jade explained.

"The perfect nightlights!" Floyd giggled, nuzzling into Gwen.

Gwen giggled, running her hands along their tails, examining the scales that glowed. "Oh, you're amazing!"

"Azul glows to!" Floyd said. "But he never changes anymore."

"I hope the two of them make for sufficient lights." Azul said as he climbed in the tank with them. He stayed in human form. "I... dislike... changing."

Jade reached over and pulled Azul right next to Gwen, curling around the two. "There's still time before morning. Let's get back to sleep."

They ended up tangled together, Gwen resting on Azul as the Tweels stayed wrapped around the two of them.

Gwen slept much better throughout the rest of the night.


Wait, what happened!? Is she okay!? Why does everything happen to her!?

I hope her Christmas goes easier.

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