🐙 Leona's Deal

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"But that leads me to my next point." Leona smirked. "Azul, let's make a deal."

"Huh?" Azul fixed his glasses.

"If I were to give these back, what would I get in return?" Leona asked.

"Wh-whatever you'd like." Azul stuttered. "Test notes, graduation thesis, altering your attendance records, I'll make whatever you want come true!"

"I see, that's a tempting offer." Leona drawled.

"Then you'll..." Azul began hopefully.

"However..." Leona interrupted. "I won't be handing these over for something like that."

"Eh?" Azul looked worried again.

"Right now you have the thing I want most." Leona said. "I want my Kitten back."

"What...?" Azul gasped.

"You attacked my Kitten, forcefully transformed her, and stuck her in a fish tank." Leona listed. "I came to get her back."

"You're doing this for her...!?" Azul paled.

"You've been out villained, Azul." Leona smirked.

"This can't be real." Azul paled. "Stop!"

"LEONA!!! RUGGIE!!" A familiar voice cried.

"KITTEN!" Leona and Ruggie turned their heads to see Gwen racing towards them, arms outstretched and a smile on her face.

"Oh, Kitten!" Ruggie pulled her in close, pressing kisses all over her face and anywhere he could reach. Finally, finally feeling calm. His Kitten was here. She was safe.

Leona reached over and yanked Gwen into his arms. He picked her up and nuzzled into her neck, breathing in her scent. "Hey Kitten." He smiled. "I got you something." Shifting her so that he was still holding her up with one arm, Leona reached into his back pocket and pulled out her paintbrush.

"My paintbrush!" Gwen beamed at him. "Leona, you're amazing!" She cupped his face to give him a kiss.

"A-Angelfish!" Azul cried, looking heartbroken.

Leona smirked, setting Gwen down besides him. "Now then... kneel before me!" He finished his incantation. "King's Roar!"

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Azul screamed as the contracts turned to sand. The dust drifted away in the currents.

"Ah, aahhhh... AAHHHHH!!!" Azul sank to his knees. "My... my golden contracts are... all turned to dust..."

"Once someone has signed your It's A Deal they can't so much as wrinkle it no matter what." Ruggie began.

"You put on a good show to convince people that the contracts are invincible but..." Leona added. "There's no such thing as a perfect spell. So we thought that that means only when your contracts are in the VIP room or your own hand can they actually be invincible. I had no problem turning them to sand with my magic so I guess this means my hunch was right on the money. The contracts are nothing more than paper."

"H-how could..." Azul trailed off in disbelief.

"Oh, wow!" Gwen gasped. "So that's what was going on! Leona, you guys are so clever!"

"Heh, that damn furball of yours deserves praise too." Leona said.

"What, Grim?" Gwen asked. "He helped come up with this plan?"

"Angelfish!" Azul cried. "Please come back here!" He reached out a hand. "Please!"

Gwen turned and glared at him. "Are you fucking kidding me!? You shoved a potion down my throat and put me in fish tank for two days! What the fuck!?"

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