Hypnotic voice

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Idea I've had for a while, it was originally connected to a whole thing but now it's just gonna be a oneshot to soften the blow of the most recent part of rewrite XD

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Idea I've had for a while, it was originally connected to a whole thing but now it's just gonna be a oneshot to soften the blow of the most recent part of rewrite XD


"where is that girl" Uma cursed under her breath, wiping her hands on her apron and crossing her arms "she was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago" Harry chucked from his spot at the table.

"maybe she jus' got caught up wit' somethin' yeh know how she is Uma" the sea witch glared at him and pointed at the door "Uma come on she'll-"

"go get her, we got shit to do and no time to wait" Harry groaned and stood from the table, putting on his hat and grabbing his hook. He hopped on top of the table and jumped off the other side, strutting towards the chip shop entryway and grabbing his sword. "be back here within twenty minutes you hear!" Harry let out a small grumble and waved at her, pushing open the chip shop doors and making his way towards (y/n)s apartment.

It wasn't a far walk, so it wasn't long before he arrived at her apartment, he skipped up the steps and tried the front door, sighing a bit as it was locked. He crouched down and picked the lock. The lock clicked open and he stepped inside.

Almost immediately he stopped, listening to the heavenly voice that was drifting throughout the apartment.

Upon one summer's morning

I carefully did stray

Down by the Walls of Wapping

Where I met a sailor gay

Harrys mind felt heavy and foggy, his body moving towards the bathroom without his knowledge.

Conversing with a young lass

Who seem'd to be in pain

Saying, William, when you go

I fear you'll ne'er return again

The door to (y/n)s bathroom was cracked open and Harry carefully reached out and pushed it open. His eyes focused on (y/n), who was hidden by her plain white shower curtain, thankfully hiding her body from him.

My heart is pierced by Cupid

I disdain all glittering gold

There is nothing can console me

But my jolly sailor bold

Harry closed his eyes and leaned his head against the doorway, a small smile growing on his face as he listened to the siren-like voice echoed in his mind.

His hair it hangs in ringlets

His eyes as blue as the sea

My happiness attend him

Wherever he may go

He didn't hear as (y/n) turned off her shower, her voice still having a tight grip on his mind.

My heart is pierced by Cupid

I disdain all glittering gold

There is nothing can console me

But my jolly...sailor...bold

The singing stopped, and Harry felt the fog leave his mind, and he opened his eyes, jolting back a bit as he looked into the apologetic ones of (y/n) "you heard that huh?" she whispered, making Harry bit his lip, (y/n) was not one to talk, but when she did Harry felt like he was being hypnotized "sorry, that's why I don't sing, it...does things to people" Harry slowly nodded, he had forgotten (y/n) was half siren, his eyes drifted down a bit before he quickly looked back up and away from (y/n) "uh, you good?"

"I-um..." he gestured to her torso, closing his eyes as he heard her squeak and rush past him through the door.

"oh, Hades! I'm so sorry!" Harrys mind flashed with the image of (y/n)s cleavage, covered by the blue towel, leaving little to the imagination.

"its-yer yer fine" Harry stuttered, rubbing his face and keeping his eyes in the bathroom, hearing (y/n) run around her room grabbing her clothes and getting dressed.

He turned when (y/n) tapped his shoulder and he nodded towards the door, keeping his eyes off (y/n) to prevent the unavoidable drifting of his eyes. "uh-Uma wants yeh"

"oh...OH SHIT" (y/n) grabbed her sword and hat and snatched Harry's hand, pulling him out of her apartment and back towards the chip shop "I completely forgot!"

Harry felt heat rush up his face as he looked down at their intertwined hands.

'fuck' he thought, this wasn't good.


Is not long but I was just wanting to write a little thing for yall after the last rewrite chapter heh. Part 17 for it soon!

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