My Bonnie Lass

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Ok so I have a request Harry's betrothed to the reader since birth so like there close and she's the daughter of jack sparrow and he's like super shy and quiet and he chooses to pretends she doesn't exist but then he sees some picking on her but people don't know their like a thing I guess so he gets really angry and they ask him why he's angry and it slips out

this oneshot has been sitting in my files since before i went exclusively commission writing

requests are not open, pls dont ask, commissions are open though, so if interested just DM me or Email me at


The isle of the lost, a place filled with criminals and thieves alike, some of the vilest villains had been trapped there as punishment for the crimes.

While the isle was deprived of fresh food, there was no shortage of alcohol. And one night, as Captain James Hook and Captain Jack Sparrow sat in a tavern drinking until dawn, the two had decided that Hook's firstborn son and Jack's firstborn daughter would be betrothed.

Why? No one knows, and Jack or James cannot be bothered to remember why the thought had even come up in the first place.

It would work to their advantage though, at least that's what they thought, once the barrier surrounding the isle was down and their children would rule the seven seas with their combined power.

Now 16 years later, the two betrothed teens, who neither minded their "secret" engagement, still lived on the isle of the lost under the barrier that prevented them from concurring the seas.

....yes, you heard that right "secret" engagement, only Jack, James, Harry, and (y/n) know about the drunken night that ended in the kids getting hitched.

now if only Harry didn't pretend (y/n) didn't exist, the two could rule the docks of the isle. The two had been close all their lives, then suddenly, the son of Hook had decided to completely ignore (y/n).

something the young pirate teen had been burning to try to find out why one of her greatest friends, and her fiancé, had decided to just abandon her.

Now Uma, Harry's best friend, and Captain of the lost revenge, knew why Harry had decided to ignore (y/n).

He liked her....yeah Uma was extremely confused too. The two had known about their engagement since they could think and had been close since they could comprehend each other's existence.

By the time Harry had learned what "feelings" were, specifically the feeling of affection and love....he distanced himself from (y/n).

He always heard the villains go on and on about how love had doomed them, destroyed them, how it would destroy them if they allowed it to grow.

he knew what the butterflies in his chest and stomach meant when he saw (y/n) glance at him, the rapid beat of his heart when she laughed, the stutter of his breath as she smiled up at him.

To protect both of them from destruction, he had to separate himself from her. he knew deep down he couldn't avoid her forever with their parent's insistence on their engagement, but Harry reasoned with himself that if he pretended, she didn't exist, soon the feelings for her would disappear.

Yeah, that would be going out the window as one day, as he turned the corner of the main market place and saw a group of vicious Vks surrounding (y/n). he stopped, feeling heat build-up in his body as he saw them poking and prodding at her clothes and skin, one even attempting to take the necklace Harry had given her when they were kids.

He saw red, gripping onto his hook tightly as he stormed up to him, his mind told him (y/n) could easily take care of them herself, that she was one of the best swordswomen on the isle.

His heart screamed to rip them apart for talking to HIS girl like that.

"ello~" he purred, giving an airy chuckle as the group leaped 2 feet into the air and turned to him, fear filling their eyes "wha' do we have here~ picking on the bonnie lass are yeh~"

(y/n) gave him an odd look, months and months of ignoring her only to call her that? What-her eyes shoot to her feet, confusion bubbling in her mind. "we-we were only putting sparrow in her place Hook; you know how it is-" the lanky blond male who spoke up yelped as Harry gave a sharp snarl and shoved the sharp end of his hook under his chin.

Harry chuckled darkly at the growing dark color in the male's pants. "I don' take kindly ta those threatenin' my lass, I suggest yeh leave her alone from now on~"

"you-your lass?" the redhead muttered, looking at his friends before his neck was grabbed and he was shoved against the wall, knife at his back.

"yes, his" (y/n) seethed, grinning as the redhead yelped as she further dug the knife into his back "but don't forget I'm not as helpless as you all think, stay away from me or it's your head hanging from the black pearl" the group nodded, running down the market place as soon as the two descendants of legendary pirates released them.

(y/n) glanced at harry for a moment before walking past him, yelping as he wrapped his arm around her waist and hefted her over his shoulder, making his way towards his apartment. "Harrison James Hook you put me down right now!"

"in a moment" he muttered, wincing at the metal rings on (y/n)s fingers bashed against his back as she punched it.

Soon (y/n) gave up her struggle to get out of his grip and simply let herself hang, hands tightly gripping onto his jacket to not fall off.

He carefully lumbered up the steps to his apartment and kicked open the door, he shut it with his foot and set (y/n) on her feet, sighing and leaning against the wall as (y/n) stared at him in heavy confusion.

"what the fuck was that?!" she yelled, smacking his shoulder "you ignore me for months and then call me "your lass"?! the hell?! You better explain yourself hook-Mff!"

Harry dived forward, pressing a soft kiss to the ranting (y/n)s lips, before pulling back and sighing, quickly patting his face to rid of the heat "I-I fuck-I figured shit out and I didn't want ta ignore yeh any more love, I'm sorry" (y/n) just stared at him with wide eyes and her mouth slightly open "I-say something...please?"
(y/n) closed her eyes and sighed, before suddenly reaching out and grabbing onto the lapels of his jacket and pulling him to her height, pressing her lips to his in a quick kiss. She grinned as Harry just turned red and stared at her.

"you're forgiven....but, you owe me lunch"

"done" Harry muttered, eyes drifting down to her lips. (y/n) caught the action and snorted, patting his cheek and walked around him to the door and swung it open. "where are yeh-"

"I got shit to do Harry" (y/n) laughed, turning and winking at him as she backed out of his apartment "we can hang out later, bye~" she skipped down the steps and ran out of sight, leaving a blushing breathless harry in his apartment.

He groaned, sinking to the floor and covering his face "I could've done that such a long time ago" he groaned, smiling at looking back up at his open door "fuck yeh da', shell be worth everything"


Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now