Fatherly hate

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tw; body horror, blood, HEAVY abuse, vomiting, blood drinking, forced blood drinking, i accidentally made this really intense; i mean it-if you can't handle shit like this-dont read.



14-year-old Harry Hook begs for his human life as his father holds him against the wood walls of the Jolly Rodger.

One of the many sex workers of the isle was lying dead on the floor behind his fathers steeled back; James' red, cold, eyes staring into Harry's terrified ocean blue. "Dad-please-sop, i-i don't wanna" Harry begged, tears mixing with the blood flowing down his cheek; all caused by his own father-who had slashed his cheek open only a few moments earlier for not willingly drinking the woman's blood.

James just stares, cold and unyielding. He squeezes Harry's neck; slowly beginning to drain the life from his only son's eyes "D-dad!" Harry croaked out, pushing and grabbing at his dads arm, his arms far from strong enough to even make them budge "Please! i-i don't wanna die-i don't wanna die-please-dad-" his fathers blood sat uncomfortably in his stomach, mixing with his own and the woman's; he didn't want to die-he didn't want to become a monster-a vampire.

He begged again, and again, and again-till his voice croaked out, his vision fading; his hearing going out. his teeth began to ache, blood filling his mouth as his incisors and canines were slowly pushed out of their respective places by new-sharp-teeth, dropping into the pool of his blood in his mouth until he was dropped to the floor, his body spasming as it underwent a transformation not meant to happen.

He woke up a few moments later, whimpering and sobbing as he struggled to sit up, his body not feeling like his anymore. He was forced to his feet, held by his jaw as he was shoved towards the woman-disgust and fear overtook his mind as he was dropped to his knees next to the woman's body. "Eat, you ungrateful brat" His father spat, his red eyes glaring down at his pathetic son, who looked back up at him with his now matching red eyes-but his were still holding humanity; fear swirling within the crimson that had stolen the blue. "EAT" James yelled, taking Harry's head and slamming it down next to the woman's slit neck, Harry cried out as snot and tears ran down his face, blurring his vision and cutting his air.

"Eat" his father hissed, keeping his hand in the dark curing locks of his son's hair as he forced him to kneel over the woman's body, his forehead pressed against the blood-soaked floor. "or your next meal with be your little sea witch." Harry gagged-a fresh flood of tears joining his old ones that still soaked his cheeks, opening his newly fanged mouth and biting into the woman's neck-gagging and choking as he followed his father's command threat-he would not let Uma fall victim to his father-he refused-he would fall from the eyes of every god before he let her get hurt.

He drank, and drank, and drank-until there was nothing left-his stomach full of blood, gurgling and begging to go back up his throat. he held it in, gagging and burping as his father stared down at him, cold and hateful "Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" James sneered, turning on his heel and walking out "when you're done crying, clean up" with that-the door to the cabin slammed closed-leaving Harry alone.

Harry gagged again, covering his mouth as blood began to come up his throat, mixed with stomach acid as he ran to the bathroom-nearly vomiting on the floor as he collapsed on the toilet, his throat burning as he threw up everything he had consumed. Harry sobbed, half laying on the floor and half clinging to the toilet as his body rejected the sin his father had forced him to commit.

"Fuck" he hiccupped, sliding away from the blood-covered toilet as he finally stopped dry heaving, nothing coming up but deep red bile. he wailed out, curling in on himself as he shoved his blood-covered hands into his eyes, sobbing into his knees as he drew them to his chest. "FUCK!!!"

What was he gonna do?

he was a monster now.


*deep breath* someone take my keyboard away from me, i give Harry way too much angst

also note; there will be a proper x reader Halloween fic, a commission fic, and then an official 'goodbye' fic for this book, i just didn't feel like posting this separately 

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