request - Chubby! Reader

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during the time of my moving to a new house, i had my laptop ready to write, so i was accepting requests until my computer was up! will be uploading the finished requests for the next few days while i get my new life in order lol

during the time of my moving to a new house, i had my laptop ready to write, so i was accepting requests until my computer was up! will be uploading the finished requests for the next few days while i get my new life in order lol

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All bodies are beautiful and amazing, whether you are skinny or thiccc, you are amazing and worth every bit of love~ just thought that needed to be said before I start this request.

*note im a chubby bitch myself so this probs gonna hit hard for me lol*


"look there goes miss lard~"

"whats wrong tubby, too tired to even go to gym class!"

The girls cackled as they relentlessly bullied you, their picture-perfect stick-thin model bodies taunting you. You wrapped your arms around your tummy, attempting to hide from the world.

"why don't you just go off yourself! Would save everyone from having to look at you!" you stopped, tears finally streaming down your cheeks as their words cracked at your heart.

They...they would stoop so low as to tell you to fucking kill forced yourself to continue walking, you wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing you cry.

As you walked off, the taunts and cackles of the girls echoing yet fading to the back.

You didn't notice a set of ocean blue eyes trailing after you.

The eyes softened before they beelined to the girls, harshening and their pupils shrinking, a slight gleam of red shining in them.

"aint no way ta talk ta'a lady" the owner of the eyes muttered, fingers gripping on his silver hook as he stalked towards them.


You poked at your lunch, your stomach yelling at you but you didn't want to eat...maybe then the teasing would stop if you lost some weight.

"can I sit here?" you turned, jaw-dropping as your eyes locked with the newest school heartthrob, Harry Hook.

"i-um-yes" you squeaked, staring wide-eyed as he placed his tray next to yours and plopped down next to you, giving you a soft smile.

"what's a pretty lass like yeh sitting here all alone~?" he purred, leaning on his palm. You blinked at him, surprised. You?...pretty?

You looked around for a moment, seeing no one else but you and Harry and looked back at Harry, pointing at yourself.

Harrys brows furrowed "of cour I mean you lass, yer the only one at this table aren't cha?"

"well" you muttered, turning to your tray "people here don't really see me as attractive"

"well their eyes must be screwed on backward" Harry chuckled, taking your hand and pressing his lips to it, your face burned "because yeh are one of the most beautiful lassies I've ever seen"

"but im-im" you stuttered, drawing your hand back from him, holding it close to your chest "im-"

"yer wha?" Harry tilted his head, pouting.

"im-fat" you clenched your teeth, waiting for Harry to realize his mistake in sitting next to you and leave you for the pretty thin princesses that were only a couple tables away, speaking of which were glaring holes into your head.

Harry snorted and shook his head "I like my girls with a little meat on em love, I don't see a problem with skinny girls but I like having something ta cuddle at night" he purred, leaning closer to you "don't let their words get ta yeh, yer worth every bit of love in the world, and are the most beautiful girl I've ever laid my eyes on, and following tha' statement...would yeh go on a date with meh?"

Your jaw dropped again, staring at the grinning pirate "you're-holy shit you're serious!" you squeaked, turning away and covering your face.

"of course I'm being serious" Harry tucked a stray hair behind your ear and smiled "i've liked yeh for a while and honestly only just built up the courage ta ask yeh"

You slowly peeked through your fingers at him, a slight smile on your face as he stared back at you, the softest look in his eyes.

"....yes" you muttered, giggling as a huge grin broke out on Harry's face. He whooped out loud and leaned back, punching a fist in the air.

"yes! Yeh won't regret it love!"

You laughed as he suddenly stood and ran off, yelling out Umas name saying something about "she said yes!" before sliding to a stop and running back towards you, slamming his hands on the table.

"uh, ill probably need yer number heh" he chuckled slightly embarrassed, biting his lip.

Oyu snorted and took out your phone, letting him type in his number.

"Okay, text me, bye!" he ran off again, leaving your grinning self at the lunch table.

You turned to your food and happily popped in a grape, dancing in your seat.


Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now