Surprise kiss-Harry hook x reader

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Surprise kiss-Harry hook x reader


h/c- hair color

e/c- eye color

h/l- hair length

s/c- skin color

y/n- your name

a/n- you are the daughter of Smee, and you and Harry have been friends since you could remember and you have liked Harry since you were 10, and Harry has liked you ever since you were both 14. You two are inseparable and tell everything to each other...except the fact that you like each other...onto the story!

Your look:

Ps, you have a red beanie and black leather gloves.

---night of the cotillion---

"Mateys~" the crew turned to look at Harry who had a crazy and victorious look in his eye


"YAAAAAAAAAA" you lept from your chair screaming with pride for your captain Uma who had infiltrated cotillion and the spelled ben had just announced that he would be taking down the barrier.

Harry turned to you and stalked towards you, you grinned and opened your mouth but before you could speak Harry grasped the back of your neck, bent you back and locked his lips with yours.

Harry turned to you and stalked towards you, you grinned and opened your mouth but before you could speak Harry grasped the back of your neck, bent you back and locked his lips with yours

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Your eyes widened, and you grasped Harry's shoulders before melting into the kiss and wrapping your arms around him.


You and Harry pulled apart breathless, both with red faces. Harry stared into your eyes as the pirates around you cheered for both Uma and for Harry for finally admitting his feelings.

Gil rushed up and slapped Harry on his back causing him to jump and whirl around to glare at Gil.

"Gil! Fuck ye dain?!" Gil grinned

"congratulating you on finally admitting your feelings for (y/n) after four years!"

'four years?' you thought you snuck a look at Harry 'he's held those feelings in for four years?'

'well' you thought 'I've been holding in my feelings for longer than that so I can't judge'

"gawn giese fuckin peace Gil!!" you awoke from your daydreaming to see Harry holding Gil by his shirt and aiming his fist at Gil.

You shot forward and wrapped your arms around Harry midsection

"woah har stop! Im, sure he was just playing around! So just chill!"

Harry growled but obeyed and let go of Gils shirt

Gil slowly backed up before moving back to his chair to eat his food.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now