happy birthday Harry

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h/c- hair color

e/c- eye color

h/l- hair length

s/c- skin color

y/n- your name

Uma paced her dorm, it was three days before April 21st, Harrys 18thbirthday, and Uma wanted to celebrate it for the first time! well more or less. Birthdays were a thing on the Isle, just you really didn't celebrate, it was more of 'hey you survived another year, good job! here's some alcohol'. So Uma wanted to celebrate it PROPERLY. So Uma was tossing ideas back and forth between her crew, bonny suggested a sword fight party, Uma dismissed it, FG would never allow it. Gozno suggested that they steal one of ben's larger boats and blow up stuff, Desiree shushed him, saying that was a one-way ticket to the Isle.

Uma groaned and flopped on her bed, what could they do?! It was Harry for hades sakes! It was her oldest and dearest friends 18thbirthday! It needed to be special.

"how about we just throw him a party in Bens houseboat? I think Ben would allow it" Gil popped in, Uma snarled and sat up, about to yell at him when she stopped.

A birthday party? On a ship? On the water? That sounded perfect! Uma thought at that moment that doing too much would overwhelm harry, so a houseboat birthday party sounded perfect!

Uma grinned and shook Gil's shoulders "Gil you're a genius!...actually I wouldn't go that far, but Gil that sounds perfect!"

Gil grinned and said he'd ask Ben if they could borrow the boat and rushed out the door, Uma yelling after him to not spill the beans to harry. It was supposed to be a surprise.

He gave a thumbs up in return as he ran to bens office. Uma sighed and turned to the rest of the crew. Clapping her hands together, the crew stood at attention.

"Alright, Harry's birthday party, Desiree, you're in charge of snacks and food. Gonzo, drinks, but! Only non-alcoholic, FG will hound our asses if we're caught with that shit" the two nodded and raced out. "Jonas, Davis, Serena, decorations, and for fuck's sake, if there is any fire, other than a bonfire, I will lose it!" the three pyromaniacs cackled as they ran off to...somewhere or other.

Uma turned to the last four people in the room. "Johnny and bonny, music" they nodded and also raced out of the room. "Erick and Calvin, lights" they raced out before Uma could assign them anything else.

"now that just leaves the cake, now who-" Uma stopped, right, she just assigned jobs to everyone, everyone but herself, that meant... "I have to make the cake" she could just order a cake but...it was for Harry! It had to be homemade. Uma sighed and head for the kitchens, luckily it was Easter break, giving her time that wouldn't have been possible with classes in session. besides, it couldn't be that hard!

"dammit!" Uma screamed in frustration, slamming the burnt hardened chocolate cake on the counter, hades dammit! Why couldn't she do this!? It was just a simple chocolate cake! So why was she burning it beyond recognition! And even the batter tasted terrible! Uma could cook! Why couldn't she bake!? It was so similar!

Uma growled and wiped the cocoa powder off her face, time to try again. And she was going to follow the recipe to the smallest detail!

Yeah, she couldn't do this, two days of trying to make Harry a cake, to no avail. Uma dragged herself to her dorm and sluggishly showed, ridding her self of the flour, cocoa, melted chocolate, and sugar.

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