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Could you possibly do a story about reader being Mal's sister and pregnant with Harry's baby during D3 and Mal doesn't know when she says she's going to shut the barrier? With lots of reader and Harry fluff!

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Could you possibly do a story about reader being Mal's sister and pregnant with Harry's baby during D3 and Mal doesn't know when she says she's going to shut the barrier? With lots of reader and Harry fluff!

You rubbed your swollen stomach, holding new life, staring at the broken tv screen in lady tramlines hair shop, as beasty boy proposed to mal...your traitorous sister who abandoned you...for three years.

Its been three years since that fateful day when mal, evie, Carlos, and Jay went to Auradon.

Two and a half years since she broke and came back, when she saw you, she seemed surprised, as if she had forgotten you.

During the planning of getting ben back, she begged you to go along with it and she would have evie take you back to Auradon.

You refused, not wanting to leave your friends...your family.


She had just...left. Like the cowardly traitor she was.

And now, now after THREE FUCKING YEARS, she was finally getting more kids off the isle.

You knew you weren't going to be one of them, you didn't bother to fill out an application, and you knew she would never choose you. She offered to give you a better life ONCE before giving up. A hero she was? Yeah right, more like a backstabbing villain.

You glared as the core four and ben climbed into mals new purple limo-like she needed more fancy shit, she was more Auradon than isle now, she'd gone soft, weak.

The strong hold on to their promises, not afraid to say what they thought, not afraid to step up and call attention.

Mal was weak, she broke every single promise, she jumped on the bandwagon, she cowered and stepped down, letting others do the hard part and then took all the credit.

Just like all the pranks you did when you were young and mal taking credit and you were just her little henchmen.

You were lucky that your mother didn't like it.

She demanded that mal start thinking for herself, evil queens didn't use someones else's plot to rule the world, evil was original, not a copy cat.

It was one of the few times that you were higher than Mal in your mother's view.

Dizzy skipped down the stairs, a bright smile on her face. "omg (y/n)! can you believe im going to auradon~!" you smiled at the happy 16-year-old, you held no ill feelings toward the young teen, she deserved to leave the deary isle.

"I do, you belong there sweetie" dizzy squealed, wrapping her arms around you, you hummed, giving her a tight side hug.

"When you get there you have to let me babysit okay!"

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now