turned p2

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This is kinda in bens POV

Ben stared in shock as you stood WITH uma and harry, not bound or tied up, only free and...and glaring at him?

"(y-y/n) wha-what happened?!"

You sneered, baring your unusually sharp teeth at ben (a side effect from your father) "what happened, brother. is that im sick and tired of waiting around for you to be a proper fucking king! Its been six months ben! Six months!! Do you know how many kids have probably died in that time!?!"

Ben flinched, catching evie and Carlos' eyes, which held guilt. Did...did kids ACTUALLY DIE on the isle?

Had...had he been too late?

"and now" you continued, grabbing Harry's sword and brandishing it, surprising ben and his friends, along with uma and harry.

"I will be finishing YOUR job"


Ben had to explain to your parents about what happened, and understandably, they were upset.

And had tried throughout the next two and a half years to convince you to return to them.

You refused each and every single time, until they agreed to get EVERY SINGLE CHILD off the isle, but your father, refused your exchange, so you stayed.

It had been two years and six months since he last saw you, and Audrey had stolen the scepter and the queens crown, and ben was in a panic, if only you were here, one of the few people who truly understood Audrey.

Then Audrey appeared in his office, turning him into a beast.

Everything went fuzzy for a while, he felt something prick his hand, which made him really angry, and then, Carlos' voice broke through the haze, and all of a sudden the pain in his hand was gone, then he was being blasted with water.

He woke up to jay at his side, Carlos and jane hugging and....HARRY AND GIL?!?!

Ben growled slightly at them, they were the reason his sister had turned away from her Auradon life, "whose side are they on?"

Jay clamped his hand on bens shoulder, explaining short and sweet about the events of the past couple hours.

Ben was still very confused.

They set off to Evie's cottage, on the way ben asked jay if (y/n) was there, and he confirmed that she was.

Ben couldn't believe his eyes when his sister's head of (h/c) hair came into view her (e/c) sparkling with relief.

"Harry!" what?

His sister bolted over to harry, leaping into his arms, Harry laughed, a real laugh, one of relief and love, holding his sister tightly and letting her legs wrap around his hips.

"thank god you're okay, I was so worried!"

Ben looked back at mal, seeing her also surprised at the scene, he glanced at uma and gil, who were snickering at the two.

"(y/n)?" ben called, his sister froze, and she released harry and turned to stare coldly at ben, making a shiver go up his spine.


Harry laid his chin on bens sister's head as she crossed her arms and leaned into Harry's chest, raising her brow at ben.

"Is there something wrong ben? Or is it me and harry? You have no room to talk, Mr engaged to the daughter of maleficent?"

Ben shook his head, waving his hands in dismissal "no-no I don't care about that, just didn't expect it?"

(y/n) huffed, rolling her eyes, before mal gained his attention once more, telling him about the theorized whereabouts of Audrey.

Ben watched as you and harry held tightly onto each other's hands, refusing to let go of the other.

Harry kept (y/n) close to him as they walked out of the cottage after finding no Audrey. Then mal revealed her lies and his sister had gone off on her, frustrated tears streaming from her eyes, Harry had begun to threaten him, before breaking down and showing the boy beneath.

His sister left with uma and harry, buried into Harry's side as they walked away.

Everything went dark for a while after that, he woke up to harry begging (y/n) to wake up, tears dripping onto her face, and mal pale and shaking staring at (y/n)s sleeping face.

Audrey had cast a powerful curse at his sister at the last moment, and it was powerful enough to override audreys defeat.

And no one knew how to wake her up.

Fairy godmother had been unable to use the wand to wake her up, and uma and mals combined magic had done nothing to help either.

Harry had not eaten in days, barley slept, only sat by (y/n)s side in her old dorm room bed.

So ben suggested something, true loves kiss, harry had turned red and muttered some excuses before agreeing to bens idea.

His sister had awoken with a gasp soon after, harry dropping into her arms from exhaustion.

Ben smiled at his sister, and for the first time in a while, she smiled back.

Days later, he bowed to his sister and harry as they stood with the residents of the isle behind them, she laughed, running into his arms.

His little sister was back, and she had a protective pirate beside her, and ben wouldn't have it any other way.

—the end (I know short but its 1:23 am where I am and I wanted to knock this out before doing part 2 of abandoned)—

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