request - prompt

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Harry Hook x reader - request

"You haven't even touched your food. What's going on?"


Harry pushed around his food, staring numbly as those...thoughts...ran through his head.

"Harry?" you leaned forward slightly, your voice light "are you okay?"

"im fine" he muttered, leaning his cheek on his head, agitation setting in his bones.

"You haven't even touched your food" you gestured to the pile of food on his plate, frowning as Harry's fist clenched around his fork "What's going on?"

Harry stood up abruptly, knocking his cup over, glaring down at you, a sneer on his face. "not yer business" he stormed off, you watching surprised as he scrunched in on himself.

Something was really wrong.

You sighed, taking out your phone to text Uma when you noticed the date.


....the day his mom died, 15 years ago, when he was 3 years old. His best friend, the woman who kept James calm.

After that, his home life turned to hell.

Your shoulders slumped, standing to make your way after Harry.


You found him on the private docks, staring down at the water. You bit your lip, crossing the wood and sitting down next to him silently.

"hi" you stated, letting your head fall on his shoulder, trying to be a comforting presence.

Harry sniffed, laying his hand on yours "hi"

"not a good day huh?" Harry shook his head, laying his head on yours.


"just wanna sit here?"



You both sat in silence, watching as the sun began to set, the blue sky turning into an array of colors.

You stood as the sunset, the darkness of night beginning to bloom. You held out your hand to harry, smiling softly at him. He grasped it, standing and looking down at you, a softness in his eyes.

"Thank yeh (y/n)" you nodded, tightening your grip on him, leading him inside for movies and snacks in your dorm.


Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now