Harry Hook x reader- fluff one-shot

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Harry Hook x reader- fluff one-shot


h/c- hair color

e/c- eye color

h/l- hair length

s/c- skin color

y/n- your name

v/p- villain parent


On the Isle of the Lost in your apartment


--3rd person POV--

(y/n) sat on her bed reading a book she had found in an abandoned bookstore, she couldn't really make out the name of the book as the binding was worn down from age but she loved the book anyway, it took her into a world of magic and kings and queens of old.

'And Edmund gave a very superior look as if he were far older than Lucy (there was really only a

year's difference) and then a little snigger and said, "Oh yes, Lucy and I have been playing – pretending

that all her story about a country in a wardrobe is true. Just for fun, of course. There's nothing there


Poor Lucy gave Edmund one look and rushed out of the room.

Edmund, who was becoming a nastier person every minute, thought that he had scored a great

success, and went on at once to say, "There she goes again. What's the matter with her? That's the worst

of young kids, they always –"'

Her eyes were ripped from the book when she heard the door unlock from downstairs her eyebrows furrowed before remembering that Harry had a key so she turned her eyes back to her book


Harry opened the door to (y/n)s apartment and he stepped inside, he placed the key in pocket and made his way upstairs silently.

'I wonder what (y/n)s doing...ha, knowing her shes probably reading a book...' harry chucked to himself thinking of the adorable bookworm that was his girlfriend

Harry reached the top of the stairs and saw (Y/n) with her back to him and her beautiful (h/c) hair hanging down her back. Harry softly smiled and walked up to her and ran his fingers through her hair.

"AH!" (y/n) shrieked and turned to see Harry snickering with a hand over his mouth to muffle his laughter

(y/n) puffed her cheeks "dude what the hell! You could have told me you were going to do that"

Harry looked at you with tears in his eye "pfftt s-sory luve I didn't mean to scare ye"

You pouted at him and crossed your arms "well you did" Harry grinned and wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his lap "forgive me?" you stayed silent for a few moments "luvbug?"

You turned to harry about to speak but got interrupted by your own laughter


Harry's fingers traveled your sides tickling you, you snorted and begged him to stop, wriggling around.

"not till ye forgive me~"


"Okay then~"

Harry grinned sadistically and tickled you even harder

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