Harry Hook x Umas sister! reader - p2

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My sisters best friend is the one for me

My sisters best friend is the one for me

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outfit/fashion style (jacket is purple)

outfit/fashion style (jacket is purple)

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During the months of your sister's absence from the isle, you had taken over as captain at both Harry and the crew's request, you being the only one to know exactly how Uma would run the crew. Other than Harry, but he didn't want to be captain, after being Uma's first mate for so long it felt...wrong to him. So you stepped up, juggling your job as a waitress at your mother's restaurant and being the captain. Harry helped you learn all the ropes and soon being captain felt as natural as breathing.

You did end up having you change your style a bit, as the residents of the isle didn't exactly feel intimidated by a girl in a short skirt and cute boots. So Harry took it among himself to teach you pirate fashion, and you had taken to it well, transforming from a cute/edgy sea-witch theme to a fearsome pirate-sea witch; just like your sister.

During those months, you and Harry hadn't exactly...talked, about the kiss. You both had been so busy with the sudden switch of captains and the uproar of the isle due to the reinstatement of the vk transfer program that you just-hadn't been able to talk about anything other than what related to the isle or crew.

Late at night, when your mind finally slowed down enough for your thoughts to catch up, it reminded you of this exact situation. And so you would lay in bed, face steaming at the memory of Harry's lips on yours, and the fact that you kissed back, and then-AND THEN; he got into it, tilting his head into it and everything.

And that memory sent your mind reeling every time it floated back into your head, and gods, you just wanted to talk to him about it (and maybe kiss him again) but so much shit was going on that you couldn't! luckily for you, Harry was also going through the same mental debacle, and one day just; straight up burst into your room, slammed the door closed, walked over to you as you sat at your desk, pulled the chair out, and caged you in his arms.

You leaned back a bit, ears burning as Harry got into your face "what?" you asked quietly, putting your hands on his firm chest and pushing him back. He huffed, letting you push him but he kept in your personal bubble "we need ta talk" he said, voice straight-laced. And that's when you got worried, did something happen? Was it about the crew? Uma? The ship!?

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