not an x reader but a Harry Hook fic - Alone

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what happens with Harry after Uma and Gil go on their own paths and leave him alone in Auradon?

*inspired by an old convo in the descendants discord, about how Harry would feel if Uma and Gil drifted away from him while in Auradon, slight Ben/Harry, mostly platonic and Ben being a good friend*

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*inspired by an old convo in the descendants discord, about how Harry would feel if Uma and Gil drifted away from him while in Auradon, slight Ben/Harry, mostly platonic and Ben being a good friend*


Harry had never been...alone, in his entire life. First he had his sisters, then he had Uma, then he had Uma and Gil, then he had the crew. Then the barrier was broken and they all lived in Auradon, spending a year at the school to get caught up to the Auradon life style and learn the basics.

Then the crew disbanded, all going their own ways, all finding their own path in Auradon. But that was okay, he still had Gil and Uma, but then Gil left with Jay, exploring the world for an unknown amount of time. But he still had Uma, and that's all he really needed

...but then Uma left, off to train at the royal naval academy to become a commander in Ben's fleet. But...that was...less than okay but he had his sisters at least? But they were gone too, CJ had left to explore the seas as Harriet had gotten a sailor's license and now, she and her crew here sailing the seas as well.

And Harry wasn't close with any other of the vks so he was just...alone now. No Uma, no Gil, no sisters, no crew.

And he was still stuck in Auradon, taking summer courses to help him catch up on his "less than adequate" education, as FG said. Just because he couldn't do math, or tell the time, or threw a fit when the numbers switched around when he tried to do the daily number test shit, didn't mean he didn't have an education. He didn't need to know all this math shit to survive! He had done it on the isle for 19 years he could do it in Auradon.

But...that didn't take away the fact that he was alone...with no one to lean on, no one to ask for help at 3 am when he was having trouble understanding a question, no one to stay up with until the wee hours of the morning just complaining about Mal or the other preppy preps of the school, no one to go with on 2 am trips to the kitchen to sneak food, no one to reminisce about the rare good times on the isle with...he was just...alone.

Carlos; he had never been close to, in fact, he had bullied the once small teen relentlessly and he was still slightly wary towards Harry. Jay, the only vk of the four that Harry had an old connection with was in Africa with Gil, Mal he hated, and Evie...Evie he got along best with due to their shared love of fashion and makeup but she still was best friends with Mal and that made things iffy between them. And Ben?...he was...nice but...he didn't have the qualities that Harry needed in a friend that understood him.

And the only two people who truly did understand him were gone...and he hadn't even heard from them in months, even after sending multiple messages to both of them (letters for Uma who wasn't allowed a phone, texts for Gil who did have his phone) he just felt so damn alone.

No one to talk to, no one to confide in, no one to just...exist with.

He hated it, he had never felt like this before, he felt...abandoned. Even when Uma was gone for a year and a half, he hadn't felt like this, because he knew she was doing everything she could to get them free, but now? felt like they forgot him, just found better things to do than be his friend and left him behind in Auradon.

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