don't go

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Another idea for another oneshot(sorry, but I'm in a biiiiig Descendants 2 and 3 mood since I watched Descendants 3 3 times since friday XD) with Harry x female reader :

In the oneshot, reader lived in the Island of Lost and she is dating with Harry for a month(changed to a year) But one day, reader, who is daughter of Jadis, the White Witch(the queen from Chronicles of Narnia, you know?), was invited to go to Auradon and Harry can't go. So, Harry tried to convice reader that her place is on the Island with him, but she lived the Island and leaving behind the necklace Harry give to reader. But what reader doesn't knew is couple days after, Harry was invited to go to Auradon too!

Auradon, an Auradon invitation letter, that's what sat in front of you.

Dear miss (y/n), daughter of the white witch, His Royal Majesty, King Ben of Auradon, and his counselor Ms.Evie of the Isle hereby request the pleasure of your company, for the current academic year at Auradon Prep. please notify his Majesty's couriers of your response of his request.

King Ben.

Auradon, a place filled with magic, a place with fresh food, good beds, clothes, air! You couldn't miss this chance! You only hoped Harry had gotten an invitation too, your fingers ghosted over the snowflake necklace he had given you when you first started your relationship.

"What letter?"

You froze, clutching onto he invitation like a lifeline, Harry didn't get one? Harry didn't get one?! HARRY DIDN'T GET ONE?!?!

Harry snatched the invitation from your hand, scowling as he read it "yer not going teh go are yeh?" you stared at him, opening and closing your mouth trying to speak before his scowl dropped and a heartbroken one replaced it.

"you are aren't yeh? Yer going to leave meh? Just like tha'?"

"I don't-" you whispered, tears burning at your eyes "I don't know"

"You can't!' harry begged, taking your hands and bringing them to his chest "you just can't!!" a tear slipped down your face.

"Harry I don't know!"

"but-" harry blubbered "but you belong here with meh! Please don't go, I can't live without yeh"

You gave a stuttered breath, moving forward and pressing your face to Harry's chest, tears soaking your top, what were you going to do!?

Harry sighed in relief, thinking you had chosen to stay, and wrapped his arms around you.

Harry invited you to stay the night with him, and you agreed, glancing at the invitation, pick up was at 8:00 am the next day, that was enough time to get up and pack.

You fell into a fitful sleep in Harry's arms. You would be leaving him.

And you hated it.

The next morning, Harry woke up to an empty feeling, jolting up, he saw that you were gone, the invitation was gone, and your necklace was placed delicately in his palm.

"no" he whispered, he looked at his clock, it was exactly 8:00 am, he might still have time.

He rushed out of his house, making his way to the entrance of the bridge, the car was already driving away, and he saw (y/n) staring out the back, eyes widening when she locked eyes with him "(y/n)!!" he screamed.

He raced after the car, slamming into the barrier just as it closed, he pounded his fist against it, calling for his love.

"COME BACK! PLEASE I CAN'T-" he fell into a broken whisper, his hitting of the barrier becoming weak "I can't do this without you"

Your heart broke again as you watched harry collapse to his knees in front of the barrier, his figure growing smaller and smaller.

You wished he could come with you, but he didn't get an invitation, and you wanted a better life.

It just sucked leaving him behind.

The month without harry was torture, his teasing remarks, that stupid smirk of his, his arm around your shoulder, his fingers playing with yours, his laughter when gil did something stupid.

You missed it all, you missed him.

You ended up not having a roommate, who wanted to room with the daughter of the white witch? daughter of the killer of the god-like lion.

You sighed, reaching up to mess with your necklace when you felt nothing there, you paused, right you gave it to harry.

Glancing at the clock you groaned, five minutes till you had to show the new vk around. Standing you made your way to the front, waiting for the new limo, standing behind ben and mal.

The car drove up, but you didn't bother to look at the new vks, none of them would be Harry.

You jumped when a cool metal chain draped around your neck, you heard a click of a clasp and glanced down, it was your snowflake necklace, you turned, eyes widening.

There was Harry Hook, stupid handsome smirk and all.

"you miss me love?" he called, taking your hand and pressing a kiss to it, "shall we get started on our tour~"

You grinned, hugging him tight and leading him around, happy that you had your Harry back.

—the end—

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now