Harry Hook X Reader one-shot:

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Request from anonymous: Harry hook x reader where the reader is the daughter of the queen of hearts and has an issue with Alice's daughter, and Harry has to break them up?

(a/n: im using Alice's daughter from wicked world, and I've noticed shes brutally honest, and has good intentions but doesn't always come across that way, also she doesn't understand jokes, sarcasm, or being facetious. so I've decided to make that the reason (y/n) doesn't like her that much.)

Harry Hook X Reader one-shot


h/c- hair color

e/c- eye color

h/l- hair length

s/c- skin color

y/n- your name


You slumped in your chair bored out of your mind as you sat in remedial goodness class, listening to Fairy Godmother chitter on about random things about being "good"

You heard a groan from your right and saw Harry rubbing his eyes in tiredness and boredom. You snickered and discretely shoved him as not to attract the attention of FG and he snapped his head up and looked at you as If you offended him.

You stifled a laugh and stuck your tongue out at him, Harry pouted and crossed his arms on his desk and shoved his face into his arms.

You rolled your eyes and turned to "listen" FG and just as you did she announced that class was dismissed and harry and I bolted up with the rest of the crew and raced out of the room.

"thank god! I don't think I would have lasted another second in that class" you groaned leaning in to Harry's side

"aye same luve, I almost fell asleep listenin to her droning on an on about 'goodness~' " Harry changed his voice to a higher pitch to mock FG "what do ya do when you see someone throw trash on the ground? A. throw it at the persons head? B. ignore the trash or C. throw the trash away?"

You laughed at the way Harry pitched his voice and how his accent made the question sound hilarious.

"love your new voice Har~ you should keep it that way~"

"really? Ya think so?"

"ya I think-"

A voice interrupted you

"well I think it doesn't suit him at all"

You clenched your jaw and turned to see...

Ally the daughter of Alice, the enemy of your mother.

Now you didn't have a problem with Ally because she was the daughter of Alice, but because she was honest

"its way to high pitched for him and doesn't suit someone that looks as good as him"

...way to honest.

You stared her down and snarled at her

"really I didn't notice, but ya know I could have been making, oh I don't know a joke?"

Ally blinked and furrowed her brows

"really? I didn't know, but to be honest someone as good looking as Harry shouldn't have a voice like that, his voice normally is perfect for him"

And also because she didn't understand when someone was being funny or sarcastic.

You pursed your lips and growled

"ya I know that but I was being funny. Why do you seem to have a problem understanding that?
'and why do you seem to have a problem understanding that I don't like you talking about Harry that way'

"well im sorry but why are you being so rude I haven't done anything wrong" she pursed her lips and looked at Harry

"have I?"

You blocked her vision of Harry and got in her face

"yes, yes you have, 1. You started talking to me 2. You for some unimaginable reason keep mentioning how good looking Harry is and don't understand that im his girlfriend and don't like other people talking about him that way so why don't you run off, go down the rabbit hole and stay there?"

As you and Ally were "talking" Harry noticed that you were about to actually rip Ally a new one if she didn't back off so he decided to do the responsible thing (what?! Harry doing something responsible other than doing first mate duties!?)

He grabbed your waist, hauled you into his arms, slung your over his shoulder, and made his way with you back to his dorm with you shouting at him and pounding at his back.

Harry decided to shut you up by smacking your ass

You squeaked and buried your face into his back hiding your now crimson face.

Harry unlocked his door and set you on his bed, turning back to lock his door and when he turned back to look at you he saw you with a pouty/pissed off expression

You glared at him for a few moments for snapping

"why did you do that?"
"do what?"
"Oh, I don't know, literally picking me up and dragging me to your room?"
"oh because ye were going to fight miss ditzy and it looked like ye were about to yell "off with ye head!" "

"ya I know but why?"

Harry rolled his eyes and grasped your shoulders and nealed down in front of you

"because I didn't want ye getting in trouble because of a girl who was being annoying and couldn't understand when someone was being facetious."

You bumped your forehead against his and sighed

"well it wasn't just that"

Harry cocked an eyebrow nudged you to continue

"shes...shes always commenting about handsome you are and, how she doesn't understand how someone like me got with someone like you and-"

"wait she basically said that I was too good for ye?!"
"well yeah"

Harry let out a harsh breath and tugged you into his arms, pulling you closer

"well don't listen to her, try to ignore her and if she says something like that again come to me, I'll shut her up myself okay?"

You snickered know that what Harry meant by "shut her up" was that he was gonna "hook" her...and not in a good way.

Harry chuckled and pecked you on the lips
"now come on Uma wants us to meet at the beach at 1:00 and it takes about 23 minutes to get there and it takes both of 10 minutes to get ready, and it's 12:34 now so we gotta get ready"

You nodded and Harry got up and made his way into the bathroom

You sat on his bed for a few moments before thinking


"How'd you know how long it takes for us to get to the beach? I thought you never learned how to count cus your number one?"
"haha very funny but ye do know my phone has a calculator right?"

You burst out laughing and fell backward on to the bed, Harry emerged from the bathroom and chucked one of his shirts at your head

"go get dressed crazy"

"look whos talking!"

"alright now ye asked for it!!!!"


—the end—

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