two-part commission - hidden p1

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commission from ​musicarose on tumblr

The Reader lives on the Isle of the lost. She is very beautiful. She's not the daughter of a big villain. So she has no protection from her parents name. In order to protect herself, she dresses up as a boy. She knows Uma from her past and get along quite well with her. Uma needs her help and she stays with the pirate crew for a while. In doing so, she gets to know Harry. They fall in love with each other. However, Harry has problems with this because he thinks she is a boy. He learns the truth and is angry with her. But she can explain it to him and they come together.

2 parter commission.

I know we all headcanon harry as pan, so "realistically" he wouldn't care that reader is a boy, but in the case of the commission, I made him a straight boi


You weren't the daughter of a big villain or a big sidekick like smee or lefou. You were just...there, though you were noticed you see you were very beautiful in the traditional sense.

Shining (e/c) eyes, thick (h/c) (h/l) locks that shimmered when the light hit it, (plump/thin) lips pulled into a smirk.

But without protection from a villain parent, you were a target for the darker side of the isle, human trafficking being one of them, so you chopped off your hair, bit your lips, lowered your voice and wrapped your chest.

You were (m/n), son of a lowly thief.

Though you did have one thing going for you, being one of Umas true friends. You had been friends with her since you were young, now being apart of her crew after she had come to you when she had won the lost revenge, you being the second mate just after the first mate Harry Hook.

Speaking of Harry, he had just entered the chip shop, handing two crabs to cook as the passed by her. He plopped down on a chair next to you, roughly planting his hand on your head, rubbing it around and messing up your beanie.

"Harry!" you grumbled in a low voice "stoop" you ducked down, his hand slipping down and landing on your shoulder.

"sorry laddie" he chuckled, digging into the tray Uma had tossed infront of him.

In case anyone was wondering, Harry, didn't know you were a girl, he thought you were 100% boy. Uma however, knowing you since you were a kid, knew that under the baggy clothes, choppy short hair, and low boyish voice that you were a girl.

She also knew why you were doing it, keeping the secret for you.

"Hey pretty boy!" what sucked was you couldn't always hide your face, which was still feminine, so you still got hit on and shit.
"Why don't you come hang out with us and taste some, real men" you turned sneering at the disgusting pirates.

"Leave 'im alone yeh idiots" Harry jeered, laying his hand on your shoulder and turning you back to the table.

"oh come on hook! Share your pretty boy! We want to know what he feels like!" Harry turned red, hunching his shoulders and turning back to the goons, a raging fire in his eyes.

You felt a pit in his chest, you have had feelings for Harry for a while now, but.... Harry was known to be a boy who was strictly interested in women, though he did flirt with males to get what he wanted before he hooked them.

And you had a feeling that Harry would never feel anything but shame and anger at people suggesting your relationship. Harry stood, brandishing his hook.

"wha' did yeh say!!" he bellowed, the goons turning pale and stuttering, regretting angering the insane son of James hook.

"Harry" Uma snapped, he turned to her, Uma simply snapped her fingers and pointed back down at his chair. He grumbled and sat back down, continuing to glare at the two goons.

Uma sighed "Harry, (m/n), can you two go grab something from Maddy for me?" you nodded, Harry asking her what it was.

"just payment for protection" Harry sighed and nodded, standing and making his way to the door. You stood and followed, grabbing your sword.

As you followed behind him silently, not wanting him to get angry again.


you screamed, arms roughly wrapping around your waist, tossing you away from Harry. He spun around panic on his face and eyes, his body preparing to launch at you.

"(m/n)!!!" he screamed, drawing his blade and trying to run towards you, yelping as a goon with a dagger swiped at him.

You stood from where you were tossed on the ground, spitting out dirt that had gotten in your mouth, you drew your sword, flipping it in your hand and leaping into battle.

As you battled a hun goon, Harry screamed out your name in panic, you shoved away the goon, going to look at Harry when a searing pain stretched up your back.

You screamed in pain, feeling a warm liquid rush down your back and soaking your shirt and the top of your pants. You collapsed, head spinning as Harry stabbed the goon in front of him, launching himself at the goon standing above you, digging his gook into his neck.


As you lay on the floor watching Harry dispatch the goons who had jumped you, darkness encasing your vision.

"harry" you whimpered, he stopped, whipping around, tears lining his eyes.

"(m/n)!" his voice was horse, wobbly and breaking, he dropped his sword and quickly hooked his hook on his belt loop. He ran to you, sliding on his knees at the last second, gingerly wrapping his arm around your shoulder, taking care not to brush against your sliced back.

"iv-I've got yeh" he muttered in a panicked tone, tears slipping down his cheeks "we-yer gonna-yer gonna be-yer gonna be okay!" he ended with a yell.

"Harry...Uma" you whispered, not even trying to keep up the boyish tone.

He nodded wildly, standing to his feet and racing off back to the shop.


Everything went black.


Harry paced outside your cabin, wringing his hands together. Uma opened the cabin door, wiping her blood-covered hands on the cloth she held.

"har- woah wait! Harry!" he ignored her, he needed to see (m/n) he needed to know they were okay! He pushed past Uma, stepping into the cabin.

"(m/n) are yeh-" Harry's heart stopped, there...on (m/n) chest....was something...that males usually don't have "(m/n)?" Harry whispered, glancing at you, you stared back in horror.

"yer...yeh lied ta me?" Harry whimpered, backing up slightly, you sat up, ignoring a searing pain in your back, waving your hands in panic.

"wait harry it's not what you-"Harry's eyes widened, hearing your feminine voice for the first time.

"yeh did! Yeh lied ta me! Yer a girl!" he yelled, a pit of anger swelling in his chest.
"Harry listen-!" you tried, but he turned, storming out of the cabin, and you heard Gil call after him, asking where he was going.

Uma entered moments later, her face pale.

"shit" you both muttered.

–end of part 1–

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now