Held Back - Harry Hook x NB! Ben's sibling! Reader - P2

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more nb (y/n) aesthetic/mood boards

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more nb (y/n) aesthetic/mood boards

more nb (y/n) aesthetic/mood boards

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After you chopped off your hair you immediately searched for a hair salon to get it cut properly, not trusting anyone within the castle to not blab to your parents the moment they saw you.

You found one within the city and bookmarked it, scrolling through google to find a haircut that would suit you.

After half an hour of scrolling, you found it. You saved the picture and went to bed, giddy and nervous for the next day.

The next morning, at 6 am on the dot, you texted Lumière to meet you out front and that you needed to go somewhere in secret. To which he replied back with a very courteous 'of course my lady', you cringed at that but brushed it off, you knew he would ask questions about you wanting to cut your hair so suddenly so you were debating on telling him the truth.

You tugged on your largest hoodie, one that you had stolen from ben, and grabbed your wallet, phone, and earbuds, mentally pumping yourself up to leave as you put on a beanie and pulled up the hood to hide your hair. You snuck out of your room and to the front yard, the only other people awake were the servants, who either gave you a small bow or a quiet polite 'good morning your highness'

You breathed a sigh of relief when you made it out front and saw Lumière ready to go with a plain black car, thankfully not one of the limos with all the flags and symbols on it. You hopped down the steps and raced over to him, giving your pseudo uncle a shy smile as he greeted you with a bow and opened the back door.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now