Blind!Reader - wow

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Heya!! Can u pls do a one shot of you being blind on one eye(or both idk),Harry Hook x reader, would really love that❤❤

There was another request for blind reader x harry that had the reader go to Auradon to get her eyes fixed and shes like 'my imagination did not do justice' when she sees harry again, but I can't find that one

The second daughter of the evil queen, the five minute younger sister of Evie, that's who you were, (h/l) (h/c) hair, a perfect (body type), and would be perfect eyes, but... they were only hazy grey ones.

Your mother had tried to give you perfect blue eyes when you were young, only resulting in blinding you.

You were a secret from most of the isle, only Evie, mother, and Evie's friends knew about you.

Oh, and Harry Hook, your boyfriend.

Now how was he your boyfriend? I'll tell you.

But I'll start with how you met


It was a cold rainy night in fall, you could hear the thunder in the distance, but you didn't care, reading a carefully brail translated book from Carlos and your sister, which was named -Harry Potter and the sorcerers stone-.

When a rattle started to come from your window, you gasped, turning your head to where the sound was coming from.

"shit, fuck come on ah!" the sound of a boy muttering behind the window was unnerving, the strong accent making it even harder to understand, then the boy got it open, and fell through the opening.

You heard him wince, and the scratch of metal on the floor as the boy stood.

"Alright, now wher-" he stopped, and you knew he had seen you. You squeaked in fear, stepping back and tripping over a chest with your clothes in it.


You heard the boy curse as you lay on the floor in pain, and you heard his light footsteps walk over to you and hands start to grip your shoulders. You yelped, reaching out with a fist and striking a torso.

"oof!" the boy fell back, wheezing "hey, im trying teh help!"

You huffed, palming around for a sturdy chair to heft yourself up before you felt around metal around one arm and a warm midsized calloused hand around the other, pushing you up.

"There ye go, I didn't know anyone was up here, only thought the evil queen and her daughter lived up here."

"well" you whispered shyly carefully stepping away from the boy with a pretty voice. "that's not a false thought"

You could feel the confusion from the boy before you heard a small gasp. "the rumor~"

You hummed tilting your head at the voice "rumor what rumor?"

"well," the boy started, which started to move away, presumably rummaging through your things if the shuffling of clothes and jewelry was a sign of anything "there is a rumor goin around the isle that the evil queen had two kids, two daughters to be exact. and that the younger one was locked inside the castle, I got dared teh find out and yeh are"

You sniffed, slightly turning to face the boy's voice "so, what are you doing now exactly?"

"oh um..."

"stealing my stuff I guess?"

"well...yes, yeh gonna stop meh?"

"well I can't exactly" you mumbled awkwardly, fiddling with a worn sleeve of your shirt.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now