2 part commission work - the masked princess p1

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commission from ​musicarose on tumblr


You sat silently at an empty lunch table, watching as those at the next looked at you wearily and whispered to each other.

You sighed, leaning on your hand and picking at your food.

You were the second daughter of Aurora and Phillip, the younger sister of Audrey...the one everyone avoided because of your sister's attempted take over.

It wasn't fair, almost everyone had forgiven her within the day she was returned to normal, and almost everyone shunned you for what SHE did.

You looked up, watching as your sister walked through the doors, laughing and smiling with Jane and Evie. You swallowed down the pit in your throat and stuffed some mac n cheese in your mouth.

It wasn't fair.

You looked up from your sketchbook notebook as the teacher announced there would be new students joining the class.

"Everyone, I want you to welcome our new students."
you felt your breath stop as a tall, dark, handsome boy walked through the doors, his bright ocean blue eyes scanning the room as a girl with long teal hair entered in after him.

'That's uma' you thought, remembering her from your sister's ramblings 'so that must be...'

"Harry 'ook" the tall boy muttered, obviously bored as the teacher made him introduce himself. 'Harry Hook' you finished your thought, finally tearing your eyes away from the handsome son of Hook.

"Alright, Harry you sit back there with miss (whatever aurora and Phillips last name is) and uma-" you ignored the rest of the teacher's speech, watching from the corner of your eye as Harry made his way towards you and sat down in the desk next to you.

You didn't bother to say hi, you knew the others would tell him to stay away from you as soon as they got a grip on him.

It didn't stop your heart from latching onto him, even if you told it that it would never happen.

Because in the week and months following, you saw a side that you knew many others didn't see.

He was a brother, his playfulness with the younger members of his crew, making faces at his sisters when they weren't looking. His laughter as CJ jumped onto his back and demanded to be carried.

He was creative, humming little tunes as he worked, little doodles on the edges on his page, the spark of excitement in his bright ocean blue eyes when the teacher would assign an art or writing based assignment.

He was a strategist, joining tourney and quickly rising the ranks to the captain as he shaped up the team and destroying the other schools with quick and witty plans.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now