Held Back - Harry Hook x Ben's sibling! Reader - P1

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Note; before we start, "reader" is non-binary but since I've always imagined Auradon is pretty

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Note; before we start, "reader" is non-binary but since I've always imagined Auradon is pretty... old-fashioned and close-minded, they really don't realize they are NB but know they don't like being referred to as a "girl" or a "female". Also, I know "realistically" Adam and Belle wouldn't neglect their 2nd kid for the first n shit but it's called a plot point and they are like that for a reason.

Tried to not use "readers" pronouns at all until we get to the good shit where they are like "oh, that's what that is?"

Also, this will be a 2-part story, the 1st takes place in D2, while the 2nd will take place after D2 and into D3 :3

OH, slight smut in this fic....yeah...it doesn't get detailed-detailed, but it gets...heated...yeah...if you don't like even reading this that hint at sex then I'll put warnings at the beginning and end of those scenes :3 otherwise this is a pretty "safe" fic



Being the daughter, and the 2nd child, to Beast and Belle, wasn't...what everyone assumed it was. Everyone expected that since you were their 2nd kid, one that wasn't in line for the throne, that you could do anything, get away with anything. That you could just shrug and say 'oops' and all would be forgiven. But it wasn't. It was constant rules and upkeep, never able to run free and scrape your knee when you fell off the tree you had climbed, never able to just scream as you ran along the shoreline, soaking the seawater into your clothes.

Always sit up straight, never cross your legs, never run, never frown, never sneer, don't talk back, don't yell, just sit there and -

Be perfect

For the early years of your life, you had loved Ben. Ben your 5-minute older twin brother, Ben who always cared about you, Ben who hid the vase you had broken when you were chasing him through the castle halls when told not to.

Ben; who had refused to let you be pushed aside.

But resentment grew when your parents would always favor him, always praise him; for the bare minimum.

If he got a B in his project? Amazing! Take him out for ice cream.

You? Getting a B+? scolding's and being told to do better next time, with your dessert taken away for the week.

While you held this resentment for him, you couldn't hate him, not really, not when he would sneak you his leftover ice cream that was your favorite flavor, one that he hated but your parents didn't know, not when he would run into your room on stormy nights to make sure you were okay.

Not when he obviously loved you so much.

But you wanted more, you needed more...just something to fill the gap that your parents were leaving. A gap that for some reason they couldn't see was growing bigger every time they turned their backs on you and turned to Ben.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now