Calm nights with you

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You stared into the lowered brightness of your phone, darkness surrounding you and encasing the room you were in. the rain outside provided the perfect white noise, almost lulling you to sleep. Your knee slid up, your blanket falling from your legs revealing them bare, the only thing covering you was a baggy long-sleeved shirt and some boxers.

You didn't react as the door opened, Harry stepping through and closing it with his foot, the light that had flooded into the room disappearing once more. Harry stumbled slightly as he took off his boots and jacket, along with his belts and gloves, leaving him in just his usual pants and sleeveless hoodie. He looked up at you, his tired eyes softening.

He slumped toward you, kneeling on the bed carefully before laying his head on your stomach, your eyes finally pulling away from your phone to look at him, his face turned away from you. You smiled, looking back at your phone and curling your fingers in his hair, feeling him relax under your touch and almost melt into you.

His hand curled around your thigh, your warmth passing through his slightly cold and calloused hand, and he sighed, the sound of the rain and your breathing lulling him to sleep.


wrote this in like-10 mins, saw a thing and got inspired

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