turned p1

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Can you do one when it takes place in D2 plz? (The reader is King Ben's sister, and Ben has to give up the wand and the crown to save her, but while being kisnapped she falls in love with Harry. When Ben comes he realizes that she became more like Uma, and could care less for Auradon Prep. Can includes Lemon IF you write those, and sorry if this is tmi

You couldn't care less for the people or places around you, it had been boring and straight since you were born, nothing wild, no rule-breaking, no frowns, no nothing

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You couldn't care less for the people or places around you, it had been boring and straight since you were born, nothing wild, no rule-breaking, no frowns, no nothing.

The arrival of the core four had made Auradon prep interesting, but that faded as they became more like the sheep around you, abandoning their fellow vks for a soft pillow.

Ben, your brother, had also abandoned his 'bring over vks once every two months' plan, preferring to tend to his "perfect" girlfriend Mal.

Perfect HA! Mal was less than perfect, she obviously was super uncomfortable with the entire 'lady of the court thing' and wanted out, she hated the paparazzi, the clothes, the manners, the hair, which was now bleached blonde with lavender tips.

And you were the only one she told personally about her troubles and wants to return to the isle, you didn't discourage her, only saying "do you really want to return to the isle, or do you want to be free of this royalty bullshit?"

She hadn't responded, and when she left for the isle only two days away from cotilion, you weren't surprised.

What did surprise you was when ben burst into your room, begging for you to come with him to the isle to help get mal back.

You had an odd feeling, so you agreed, grabbing your casual clothes, which evie blinked at, you shrugged her off, you had a natural isle style apparently.

It took about an hour to get to the isle, and you had basically wandered off as soon as you had arrived at the hideout, noticing that your "friends" were distracted, you walked off, soon being run into by a set of kids, trying to get into your messenger bag, but you easily pushed them away, wincing at you felt the boniness of the children.

One fell to the ground and the other stood in front of his fallen friend, glaring at you, daring to try anything else.

You sighed, reaching into your bag and pulling out one of your tiaras, and kneeling down, holding it out to the child. Both of their eyes widened, seeing your true smile and the definitely real blue diamonds on the golden tiara.

"go on" you whispered, holding the tiara closer to the child "take it, I don't need it"

The dirt-covered child stood up from the ground, walking around his friend and slowly taking the tiara, gasping as he saw a poster with your face on it, recognizing you.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now