all bundled up

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got inspo from a writing prompt between a hero and villain

*small Oneshot between parts of rewrite while I brainstorm*


Background - you are bens sister, during d2, instead of Ben you have been taken by the pirates for the wand. Thrown into the brig, you are left without a blanket for the cold night. Unfortunately, Evie put you in a vest and short sleeves shirt, you are freezing. But you noticed the pretty Scottish pirate accidentally left his large, red and warm looking jacket on the chair near your're sure he won't mind if you take it for a night.


"well, lass, yer in our hands, the wand will-yer wearing me jacket" Harry stopped, brows raised, hook in the air, mid-way through a grand gesture.

Sitting in the corner of her cell, was princess (y/n), curled up in his much larger than her Jacket, the sleeves bunching around her elbows and chest. The collar mostly hiding her face, her pout almost hard to see.

"it's cold as butt down here, and you left it in reach, next time maybe give your prisoner a blanket and they won't steal your jacket." She snapped, burrowing deeper into his jacket.

"yeh look adorable~" Harry purred, walking over to the cell and crouching in front of it. And he meant it, she looked adorable and warm and perfect.

"now I don't think I ever caught yer name princess~?" the girl huffed, rolling her eyes.

"like I'll believe that, wouldn't my name be spread all over the news?" she muttered, curling deeper into the warm leather jacket.

"it would be, but its always Mal and Ben, Mal and Ben" Harry mocked, a slight giggle drifting around. "but you are always announced as the king's sister? I would love ta get ta know my princess?"

She was silent for a moment, her (e/c) eyes staring into his "my name is (y/n)" she finally said. Harry stuck his hand through the bars, reaching out for a handshake.

"Nice ta meet yeh princess, Harry Hook~" the princess uncurled from her little ball, leaning forward and shaking Harry's hand.

"pleasure" she muttered, her tone dry. She released his hand, ignoring the fluttery feeling she got from it 'his hand was warm' she shook her head, ridding herself of the thought.

Harry took in her form again, mentally groaning to himself as goody goody thoughts came to him "I'll go get yeh a blanket princess, mustn't treat royalty like a peasant eh?" (y/n) rose her brow, watching the bright blue-eyed boy walk over to a chest in the corner, flipping it open and grabbing a thick blanket and pillow. He walked back over and grabbed the keys from the wall, unlocking the cell and tossing in the blanket and pillow. "yeh can keep the' jacket fer the night but ill need it back tomorrow afternoon lass"

(y/n) just nodded, standing up from her corner and walking over to the tossed blanket and pillow "thanks" she muttered, preparing herself a little bed in the corner of the cell.

Harry snorted at the edge of his coat dragged across the ground, the princess was much shorter than his 6'1 self. She turned, face turning dark as she watched him giggle to himself.

"you can leave now, I got nothing to do but sleep and wait for you to make me walk the plank" she snapped, crossing her arms, the jacket arms bunching up again.

Harry took a deep bow "as yeh wish yer highness~" he purred, giving her a smirk and strut out, making sure to lock the cell after he exited. "sleep tight~"


You slapped your cheeks and dropped to a crouch, clenching your teeth together to keep from screaming.

"This can not be happening" you whisper screamed, feeling your entire face heat up. "I can not have feelings for a random pirate that kidnapped me?!?"

You groaned, falling onto your but back into your makeshift bed, curling back into Hooks jacket.

"This is so messed up" you muttered, burying your face into the jacket, closing your eyes, and enjoying the scent of the ocean and metal.

With a hint of woodchips.


Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now