request - prompt 128

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Harry Hook x reader request - prompt 128

128: "Don't touch me. We're fighting."

Harry is a person who starves for psychical touch, relishes in the simple brush of fingers on his arm. Even when he was mad or upset at someone, if he was close to them he would usually still try to keep some sort of contact.

This was the situation with you and him right now, you see, Harry had raged at you for something or other, you didn't know his accent was hard to understand when he was angry.

And now you wouldn't let him touch you, not even tap you to get your attention. But Harry was trying to lay his hand on your thigh, and you weren't having it.

Standing from your seat abruptly, grabbing your food tray and walking to an empty seat near Jane, and plopping down next to the girl.

"(y/n)?" Harry muttered, his brows furrowed and his mouth in a pout. You ignored him, digging back into your mac&cheese.

"(y/n)?" jane asked, eyes going back and forth between you and harry, confused "are you okay?"

"im fine, Harrys in time out" you grumbled, taking a sip on your (fav drink) jane made a confused face, tilting her head.

"wha-what?" you huffed, turning to her.

"We had a fight, his time out is no touchy" Jane 'ooh'd and nodded, turning back to her food. Harry continued to pout from across the table, his fingers twitching, his brain coming up with a plan to get you to allow him to even simply hold your hand.


"Don't touch me. We're fighting" Harry stilled, his hand inches away from the small of your back.

"wha'?" Harry pouted, hurt pooling in his eyes "wha' are we fighting about?" you turned with a gaping mouth, rage simmering in your eyes.

"you don't remember? Last night, you burst into my room raving mad about something, you screamed at me, and after all that, you just stormed out, not even giving me a second look! You're the one who started it!"

Harry shook his head, reaching for your hands, to which you reeled back, bringing them to your chest.

"until you apologize, I won't let you touch me, good luck with that Hook"

Turning you stormed away, leaving Harry hurt and confused. "(y/n)" he spoke in a low tone, his voice cracking. You continued to walk.


Uma watched as Harry moped on his bed, playing with the thin rope bracelet (y/n) had gotten him on their fifth date. "you know she's not gonna forgive you the longer you just sit here right?"

Harry just let out a muffled moan.

Uma sighed, walking over to his bed and lifting him by the lapels of his hoodie, Harry came up with a scrunched pouty face "come on, let's go apologize to your girlfriend"


"sorry I meant YOU, now go, im getting fed up with all your attention-seeking begging"


You entered your dorm, only to see (favorite flower) in multiple vases around your room, (favorite meal&drink) on a mini table in the middle, your favorite song echoing around the room, the title screen of (favorite movie) playing on your tv.

And Harry Hook, sitting on your bed, dressed in a dark blood red suit and no eyeliner to be seen, his hair swept to the side. A bouquet of roses, carnations, hyacinths, orchids, and tulips in his hands.

The pirate punk was nowhere to be seen, only leaving a handsome Scottish hunk sitting in his place

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The pirate punk was nowhere to be seen, only leaving a handsome Scottish hunk sitting in his place.

You sighed, dropping your book back to the floor, crossing your arms and tilting your head, tapping your fingers on your forearm.

"I assume you're here to apologize?" Harry gave a shy smile, nodding.

"it better be good" you teased, feeling the tug of a smile on your lips, but forced it down, wanting to hear the apology first before you really forgave him.

"im sorry my bonnie lass," Harry started, standing from his spot and walked a few steps towards you, biting his lip "Im sorry I yelled at you about whatever I was mad about, im sorry that I just stormed out, and Im sorry it's taken me so long ta apologize teh ya, now can I hug yeh...please"

He looked like a kicked puppy, his bottom lip jutting out slightly, his eyes shining. You sighed, walking towards him, Harry stayed absolutely still, not moving an inch.

You smiled, stopping in front of him and reaching up, cupping his face. Harry moaned in relief, sinking into your, forehead bumping into yours, his arms wrapping around you.

You giggled as Harry's head tilted forward, forehead resting in the crook of your neck. Your heads drifted up to his hair, brushing through the thick dark locks.

"yeh forgive meh?"

"yes, now let's cuddle, I've been missing your pillow chest"

"pfft, yeh just like my man boobs"

"yes, yes I do"


Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now