Pet names- NB reader

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"baby girl?"

"not a girl, you know that."

There you were, two pirate descendants chilling on the couch in Uma's room waiting for her shift to be over. Your back rested against the arm as your legs were tossed over Harry's lap, and Harry sat relatively normally, legs spread out and hand on the inside of your thigh; testing out pet names for you. He sighed, leaning his head back against the cushion as you smirked at him, his hook resting on your stomach as his thumb grazed the skin beneath your ripped black jeans

"baby...boy?" Harry tried next, and you snorted, sliding your hat down to rest on your nose, blocking the setting sun coming in from the porthole. "nope, not a boy either." He was cute, trying to figure out pet names for you, and he was going through the classic ones, some better than others.


"you call everyone that"

"How bout just baby?"



"yes and no" Harry snorted, his head hitting the edge of the couch. His leg bounced in thought, yours bouncing in turn from his action "dude."

"duckling" Harry tried, mocking your 'bird' last name. and you raised your leg and gently kicked his thigh, smirking at him from under your hat as he laughed. "baby bird? that ones cute?" Harry asked one last time, cackling as he saw your ears turn red under the edge of your hat "gotcha~!"

"oh, my gods" you cried out, squealing as Harry pulled at your waist, seating you in his lap as he repeated the pet name, your entire body heating up as he whispered it into your ear "let me go, you heathen" Harry chuckled, nuzzling your neck as you fake pushed him away, your hat falling from your head and hitting the floor along with his hook, joining your swords and his hat.


jus a lil short one, got inspired by a tiktok :3

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