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anon request

If requests are open, could you do some kind of writing about how Harry would react to Ireader saying she's pregnant, how he would be throughout the pregnancy and birth, and how he'd act when first holding his baby, you can choose the gender. Could you make it angsty to the max with a fluff overload at the end? You as your worms are amazing!! Hi, same person with the pregnant reader. Could you start their relationship out as him 'graciously' (he just wants to kiss her) teaching her how to kiss? And i meant to say your works are amazing too, along with you yourself. Okay, that's all I'm gonna ask you, sorry if this is bothering you.

"never have I ever been...kissed" most of the group laughed, taking a drink, all except you. Uma turned raising her brow "(y/n)?"

You gave a shy smile, shrugging "I've never been kissed" you didn't notice gil wiggling his brows at harry, who turned red.

You sighed, looking at the clock on the wall and standing. "its late, im going to go to bed, night"

"night" the crew called after you, you sighed as you walked to your room, stepping out onto the main deck of the lost revenge.

You stopped, looking towards Auradon, the shine from the lights making you feel sick.

"so ye have never been kissed eh?" you turned slightly, harry stepping out from the darkness of the lower-deck, you shrugged.

"no ones ever expressed interest in doing so" you muttered, leaning on the rails. Harry felt his chest clench, you sounded so sad.

He had to fix it.

"well," he grinned, walking over and leaning next to you "I could teach ye? So when someone does want ta kiss ye they're not disappointed?"

You made a face, slightly offended, turning to harry and glaring at him "what is that supposed to mean?!" Harry's flirty grin dropped, his brows furrowing.

"wait no that no-" you huffed, turning to walk away when Harry's arm reached out and grabbed your arm, turning you around to face him.

"that wasn't-I didn't mean- fuck im sorry" you kept your glare and crossed your arms. "I wanted to-wanted ta....fuck can I kiss ye?"

Your eyes widened and your shoulders dropped, tilting your head as your face heated up "wh-what?"

"can" Harry took your hands in his, shyly biting his lip "can I kiss ye?" you blushed, slowly nodding. Harry grinned, pulling you in and pressing his lips to yours.

Your heart fluttered, your eyes closing and your arms wrapping around his neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you up.

"wanna take this into meh room?" you gasped and nodded, harry carrying you into his room.

And that's how you two got together, and now, two and a half years later you stared at the little pink and white stick, with two lines staring back at you.

You were pregnant.

And you were terrified of how Harry would react, yet so happy to know that within you was a perfect mix of you and harry.

God, you hoped harry would be as excited as you were


"yeh have ta get rid of it" your heart shattered, tears burning at your eyes as you watched harry pace the room, the little pink stick in his hands, cracking from his grip.
"w-what?" your voice shook, flinching as harry whipped around to face you.

"you have to get rid of it!" he yelled "the isle is not a place for kids and frankly I don't want one of those gremlins, this place is full of them already!"

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now