Once upon a dream (Black reader)

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* Ah tryst = I promise

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* Ah tryst = I promise

A/N; First quarter of fic takes place after D1, before Rise of the isle. I'll let you know when the timeline changes/goes around the movies/books. Also I'm not nice to Mal in this so, if you like Mal? Probably won't like how I talk to her/refer to her in this heh, at least at the beginning, round the middle/end i get nicer and force her to have proper character development XD

(hair mb cuz i couldnt resist, totally optional styles i just made it for fun :3)

(hair mb cuz i couldnt resist, totally optional styles i just made it for fun :3)

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Once upon a time, not so long ago, a king and a queen had a beautiful daughter; which they named, Aurora. They had named her after the dawn, for she filled their lives with sunshine. Unfortunately, Aurora had been cursed at her christening, to fall into a sleep-like death at the age of 16. On her 16th birthday. Only by the hand of Merryweather, one of the three good fairies, Aurora's godmothers, had the curse been altered in a way to save Aurora's life.

For she would not fall into a sleep-like death, but into a death-like sleep, at the prick of a spinning wheel, she would be cursed to sleep as such until true loves first kiss. Her kiss came in the form of her betrothed; Prince Phillip, and the kingdom rejoiced when princess Aurora returned to them, awake and well.

For years after that, into Aurora and Phillip's marriage, into the creation of Auradon, to the birth of their children; Audrey and (y/n), they thought all was well. That the curse Maleficent had put upon Aurora was over and done with.

Only to find Aurora's curse had extended to her youngest daughter; (y/n). Somehow, Audrey had been spared the somehow inherited curse, but (y/n); upon her 16th birthday, would fall into a death-like sleep. Nearly everyone in (y/n)'s life, had tried to do something to prevent the curse, to end it before it even began. All to no avail, no magic in the world could overwhelm the curse of Maleficent, not even the high-fae herself, Fairy Godmother, could defeat the long-lasting curse. So Aurora and Phillip decided to make the best of it, showering their daughter with love and hope, not forgetting to do the same with their eldest Audrey.

And so, even after all the effort to remove the curse and save their daughter's teenhood, princess (y/n) Briar Fabel went to bed on the night before her 16th birthday, having celebrated it with her family, her friends, and the kingdom nearly the entire week before; she went to bed knowing she might not wake up for however long, until true loves first kiss found her.

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