Protective Harry Hook x reader

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Hi, I was wondering if you could write a fanfic for Harry hook x reader. Where maybe the reader was really close friends with the VKs before they left the isle and after they left she joined Uma's crew (became really close with Uma) and got together with Harry hook. But when the vks come back they found out that reader had a baby with Harry and they aren't supportive and think she's betrayed them. And Harry steps in being over protective Dad and Lover. I love you writing, sorry if it's picky 💗

a/n: for this im going to make the reader already pregnant for three months, cuz the vks are only gone for six months, not really enough time for a baby to be born safely, so reader and Harry have been in a relationship for five months.


Y/n- your name
H/c- hair color
E/c- eye color
S/c- skin color
H/l- hair length
V/p- villain parent

B/g- Baby gender
B/n- baby name

–(y/n) POV– –D1–

You took a deep breath, trying to pump yourself up to tell your friends Mal, Evie, Carlos, and Jay, about your little "problem" and it might be your last chance to do it, as the four of them would be leaving to auradon within the hour

...oh what was the problem you ask? Well, you're pregnant, and Harry Hook was the father, he didn't know either, hell! Your friends didn't even know you two were in a relationship!!! Only Uma knew, and luckily she decided to keep your relationship a secret.

Now you may be asking, how did you get pregnant, to answer that, let's go back to half a year ago.
You were wandering the Isle after a bad incidence with your (v/p) and you were near the docks and when all of a sudden a group of pirates jumped you, and as they were about to take advantage of you, Harry showed up and saved you.
Afterward he took you back to Ursula's chip shop and Uma (who took a couple minutes of convincing to let Harry fix you up, because your Mals friend) allowed you in after acknowledging that you had never teased her and had never called her shrimpy, and after that incident you and Harry had continued talking and soon an emotional and sexual relationship had begun between the two of you.
and because the isle didn't really have birth control options, you had gotten pregnant, and with the help of Uma, she confirmed it.

And now it was three months after you found out, and you had yet to tell your friends of your predicament or Harry of your holding of his love child in your womb.

ruffling your (h/c) hair you rushed over to your friends and grasped Evie's shoulder, turning to you she hummed and tilted her head

"(y/n)? what's up? we have to leave in a minute or two."

"I know, I just need to tell you all something before you go."

she nodded and gestured for the others to come over, as the four stared at you curiously you took a deep breath and prepared yourself to tell them about you and harry

"I have something really big to tell you guys and promise you won't flip out ok?"

the four nodded slowly, and you decided to blurt out what was going on






the fours parents interrupted you and the four turned and made their way to the limo, Evie turning back to you,

"you can tell us when we get back (y/n)! see ya!"

Mal then turned to you as well

"and stay away from the docks, Uma will take advantage of our trip to auradon"

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now