Pillow stealing

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as promised, another fluff oneshot for yall after the chaos/angst of the last rewrite chapter, epilogue for it coming soon!

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as promised, another fluff oneshot for yall after the chaos/angst of the last rewrite chapter, epilogue for it coming soon!


Of all the things to happen on this trip.

Getting roomed with Harry Hook for the night was not one you were expecting.

...and the room you had been shacked in with him...only had one.damn.bed.

You let out a soft sigh, rubbing your face as Ben repeatedly apologized to you and Harry about the mix-up "I'm really sorry guys, I thought this room was listed as a two-bed room, and I don't know how you two ended up listed together...maybe the couch comes out?" he walked past Harry and pulled the cushions of the couch, shoulders dropping when he couldn't find any evidence of a pull-out bed. "shoot I'm sorry, you're gonna have to deal with it"

Ben gave one last apologetic look and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. You and Harry locked eyes for a moment before quickly looking away, sighing as you looked at the, thankfully queen-sized, bed.

Harry tossed his bag on the bed and sat down, avoiding your eyes as he reached behind him for the tv remote that was sitting next to one of the pillows.

"So" you started, taking off your bag from your shoulder and letting it drop at your feet, Harry finally looked at you "how are we going to do this?" he just raised his brow "who's taking the bed and who's taking the couch? Or are we just gonna deal with it and both sleep on the bed?"

Harry just shrugged, turning on the tv and groaning a bit "great we hav' ta pay ta watch anythin'? fuck tha'" he turned off the tv and chucked the remote behind him, falling back on the bed and letting out a sigh.

You sighed in frustration, he was hardly being any help to the sleeping situation, and it was already almost midnight, and you were exhausted.

You glanced from the couch to the bed again and sighed, Harry was way too tall for the couch and you didn't want to deal with his complaints of it for an entire night. "I'll take the couch" you muttered, picking your bag back up and setting it on the couch.

Harry sat up and raised his brow "really? And here I thought yeh would make me suffer?" you gave him a look.

"I'm not that mean" he smirked.

"says the pixie with the anger issues~" you felt your face heat up as you glared at his handsome smirking face, but forced it down and grabbed your sleeping clothes and stomped into the bathroom.

Harry chuckled to himself and stood, grabbing his sleeping clothes and loudly proclaiming he was getting dressed "Fine! Just don't come in here till I'm done!"

Harry hummed a sea shanty to himself as he changed into a red tank top and black sweatpants, stuffing his day clothes back into his bag.

He walked over to the bathroom and knocked twice "I'm done changing"

"thanks" your muffled voice yelled back "and I just noticed there's a lock on the door" Harry snorted as the lock clicked and he walked over to the couch, sitting down and making a face.

"the pixie Is not gon' sleep a wink on this thing" he muttered, standing up and rubbing his fingers against the scratchy cushions.

He heard the bathroom door open and he turned, his eyes immediately drifting to the large pixie wings that protruded from your back. As he stared you gave him a look "you look like you've never seen pixie wings before" you muttered, cocking your hip and raising your brow.

"yeh always cover yers" Harry muttered, hand twitching with the want to touch, but knowing unless you had permission it was seen as disrespectful to touch pixie wings.

You tilted your head and shrugged "too many people have just touched them without asking, I'd rather just avoid it by covering them" Harry pouted slightly, making you blink in surprise.

"yeh shouldn't...they're beautiful" Harry muttered to himself, hoping you wouldn't hear him, but thanks to your pointed ears you heard him loud and clear.

You pretended you didn't as to not embarrass him. You walked past him and sat on the couch, immediately standing up as soon as your hand touched the cushions "I am not sleeping on that, that is horrific" Harry chucked at your disgusted face and nodding towards the bed.

"I won't mind sharin' the bed, it's more than big enough for both of us" you glared up at him, crossing your arms.

"and what's that supposed to mean?" Harry just guested to you, and you closed your eyes. Yes, you were much shorter than the pirate VK, 5 foot exactly, both a blessing and a curse from your mother's side.

"yer a shortie pixie, we can easily share the bed without even knowing the others there, come on yeh don't hate me that much ta not be comfortable" Harry pouted, attempting to guilt-trip you into sleeping in the same bed as him.

You sighed, pinching your nose "Fine, but not because your little pout routine is working, but because I don't want to sleep on that devil piece of furniture." Harry grinned and turned, taking his bag off the bed and walking over to the side that was facing the door.

You watched him get under the covers, stopping for a moment as you didn't move "yeh gettin' in or not?" you sighed and forced yourself to move forward, pulling back the covers and settling under them on your stomach, folding your wings down to your back and snuggling into the pillow.

"night pixie" Harry turned off the light and flopped down, turning on his side and letting out a heavy breath.

"night hook" you muttered back, sleep already gripping onto you.


You woke up to your head being at a slightly awkward angle, cracking your eyes open you saw the digital clock on the nightstand read 3:39 am. You lifted yourself up a bit and looked down, furrowing your brows as you noticed your pillow was missing.

You glanced over and huffed, Harry had commandeered both of the pillows and now were resting beneath his head. He was still sound asleep.

You were too tired to care about what you were going to do within the next moment.

You slid over to Harry's side and dropped your head onto Harry's chest, groaning in slight objection as he sat up slightly and noticed you on his chest "uh, pixie?" his voice was low and gravely, your tired brain making you smile in reaction "wha' are yeh?"

"You took all the pillows so I'm using you as one." You grabbed onto Harry's tank top and let your full weight rest on Harry's chest, smiling as Harry's arm wrapped around your waist and his hand resting on the space between your wings.

"Alright then" Harry grumbled, settling back on the pillows and closing his eyes.

You cuddled into Harry's side and sighed, closing your eyes and letting your legs curl around Harry. You heard a soft chuckle, Harry's free hand reaching up and cupping the back of your head.

"Night pixie" Harry whispered, a soft smile on his face as you responded with the same tone.

"Night Hook"


short but sweet, and ive been wanting to do a "only one bed" trope for a while and i finally did it lol.

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