You are perfect- Harry Hook x reader

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You are perfect- Harry Hook x reader


h/c- hair color

e/c- eye color

h/l- hair length

s/c- skin color

y/n- your name

a/n- your "villain" parent is Captain Jack Sparrow

-----Isle of the lost, 5 years before the events of Descendants-----

--back story-

After Harry tried to get tick tock to bite his left hand off, and tick-tock wouldn't even look at him, Harry runs away to an alleyway near the Black Pearl. And tries to cut off his left hand.

---3rd person POV---

Harry sat in a dark alleyway, digging a dagger into his left wrist, tears streaming down his face.

Harry bit down on his lip to stop painful whimpers from escaping and broke the skin, drawing blood.

The dagger went further into his muscle and blood spilled onto the alleyway floor. Harry paused and took a shaky breath.

"Harry?" Harry jumped at the sudden voice at the end of the alleyway, he turned seeing (y/n) standing there, a look of worry and confusion on her face.

"how" he croaked "how long have you been standing there?" "only a few seconds" (y/n) tilted her head "what's wrong with your hand?"

Harry moved the dagger and his hand out of sight "nothing!" his voice cracked, he cleared his voice and said again "nothing at all I'm fine"

(y/n) stared at him unbelieving "I heard you crying Hook you're not okay, let me see" she walked towards Harry. Harry scrambled back and hit his injured hand on a metal pipe causing him to scream out in pain.

"AH!" "HARRY!" (y/n) ran towards him and grabbed his shoulder "let me see!!!"

Harry stilled and let (y/n) inspect his hand closing his eyes and preparing to be yelled at and hit.

"geez harry what did you do? I can almost see the bone" (y/n) scolded as she gently held his arm.

Harry's eyes opened in surprise as (y/n) wasn't hitting him? He looked at (y/n) to see her staring him with pure worry, not with anger as he's come to expect from his dad.



"do you want me to take you home?"


(y/n) blinked in surprise at this and questioned why

"I don't want to be around dad"

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now