Final straw

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She lied.

She lied

She lied-Again.

This was it, the final straw. Right in front of your face, she had lied, once again saying you had agreed to something you hadn't even known was happening!

You wanted to scream, wanted to punch something till your knuckles bled, wanted to break something till it ceased to exist. But you didn't, your dry anger turned to sadness, of not having a voice, not being given a choice. Never having a choice with her. You fucking-hated it. You crumbled to your knees in your room, your hands on your lap as you twitched with anger, tears bubbling from your eyes and trailing down your cheeks, snot filling your nose.

You took a heaving breath, lifting your hands to cover your eyes. You hated this, hated feeling sadness in place of burning anger. Sobs ripped from your lips, your teeth clenching as air ballooned in your chest; you hated feeling helpless with your own family. She had always done this, making decisions for you and then never telling you till the last minute.

As you silently sobbed, you heard Harry walk into your room, his steps quiet yet resolute "darlin'?" he asked quietly, kneeling beside you and wrapping his arms around you, pulling you into his chest "are yeh okay?"

You just took a heaving breath and Harry cursed under his breath, squeezing you tighter "it's 'er ain't it...I'm sorry love" you just pushed your chin into his arms as you grabbed onto him, closing your eyes against him. "Do yeh want ta talk about it?" you shook your head " yeah wanna go break stuff?" you paused for a moment, then nodded. Harry nodded back and stood, taking you with him "let's go break shit, let all yer feelin's out."


Harry stood back as you batted bottles into walls, smashed tables, destroyed electronics with metal bat, screams of rage ripping from your lips as you twisted on your heels. Soon you fell to your knees, a piercing rage-filled scream filling the sudden void. Harry frowned, pushing off the wall he was leaning against and walking over to you, dropping next to you and hugging you tightly to his chest, humming slightly as you cried against him. "I got yeh" he whispered, thumb caressing your shoulder as you choked on your own breath. "I got yeh."


Yeah...just a lil thing for myself, writing out my feelings. Enjoy? Maybe you'll relate or somethin idk.

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