Faithful- harry hook x reader

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harry hook mood board by dovesendants on tumblr

Request from – @alexiscorbett33

I want to be where, Harry and I date and I see another girl kiss him but he doesn't kiss back but I think he cheated and we break and then gil and Uma hatch up and plan to get me and harry back together.

You and Harry had been dating for about a year and a half, and it had been awesome, secret getaways to a hidden cave, Harry leading you away to a picnic with the least rotten food he could find, gentle kisses, giving you his arm and escorting you around, protecting you from anybody and everybody who tried or thought of harming you, you loved him and he loved you.

Sighing happily you entered the chip shop, placing your sword in the bucket, walking forward, and smiling at Gil, who grinned back. Uma strutted over and tossed a tray full of food in front of you. Digging in, you chatted with Bonny and Serena before you felt two well-built arms clothed in red leather wrap around your waist and a diamond cut chin lean on your shoulder.

Giggling you turned and smiled at handsome blue eyes Scottish pirate

"hi, Harry~"

"Hello, my bonnie lass~"

Still giggling you leaned back into his chest and snuggled right into him. Harry hummed and tightened his grip.

"ew~ get a room you two" Uma snarked, tossing another tray in front of you for harry, he snickered leaning into you more and whispering in your ear.

"The only room here is her's, Shall we take her invite~?" you bit your lip to stifle your laughter, pushing his face away slightly and shaking your head.

"just eat your food dumb dumb" Harry smirked and slinked into the seat next to you, picking up a fry and tossing it in his mouth.

You smiled at him, he grinned back, bumping your shoulder with his. ya know, so many people said Harry would hurt you, betray you at the first opportunity, but he never did, he was faithful.

You were walking around, looking for Harry, a bounce in your step, you wanted to show him your new hairstyle, styled by dizzy herself, she may be young but the little runt had talent.

Giggling to your self you messed with the ruby cresting ring Harry had given you six months into the relationship, jittery from nerves, hoping he would like your new look.

But when you turned the corner....your heart shattered.

There was harry...kissing Yzma's daughter, Yzla. She gripped his upper arms, her eyes closed and her nasty purple-tinted lips pressed against Harry's perfect pink lips.

"H-harry?" you whispered, shattered, Harry shoved Yzla away and turned to you, shock and desperation in his eyes,

"(y/n)! luve!! This isn't what it-"

"I can't believe it" you felt your eyes burn and tears began to stream down your face, Harry staring in horror "I trusted you!"

You ripped off his ring and chucked it at him, "here, give it to your new girlfriend, you asshole" your voice cracked as you glared at him, malice in your eyes, Harry fumbled to catch it, his heart hurting at your betrayed voice.

"lassie wait I didn't!-" you snarled and started to back away from him, "just leave me alone, PIRATE" Harry's mouth dropped, he had never heard you use that word in such a hateful, you usually used in a teasingly loving way.

You turned and ran, rage and sorrow piercing your chest, running to your apartment. Quickly unlatching the door and slamming it behind you, you braced yourself against the door and let out a heart-wrenching sob, covering your mouth and slowly lowering yourself to the floor. Crying your heart out.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now