enemies are made on neverland

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Can you please make a harry hook x reader one shot where he reader is Peter pans daughter and she lives in Auradon but she doesn't fit in

she meets harry and they already knew eachother from when they were kids in Neverland. They've always hated each other because they were supposed to be mortal enemies. And this takes place in decedent's 3? And also the reader is really badass

you were born and raised on neverland, the daughter of peter pan and Moira, your mother the granddaughter of wendy darling

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you were born and raised on neverland, the daughter of peter pan and Moira, your mother the granddaughter of wendy darling.

You had two older siblings, who weren't neverland born, Maggie and Jack, who had grown up.

You were only 4 when you met..him.

You wandered the beaches of neverland, fawns bell-like voice twittering behind you chatting about the new baby squirrels that were born yesterday. When you heard footsteps approaching, you panicked, they didn't sound like any footsteps you new, these were heavy but quick at the same time, and fast.

You turned and flew up a tree, watching the ground, when a boy, no older than you ran onto the beach, he kept looking behind him, as if something was following him

"BOY GET BACK HERE" you gasped, fawn cupping her hands to her mouth. Hook, Hook was after this boy, the boy looked around wildly, fear clear on his face. You made a split decision.

You jumped down from the tree, fawn flying after you, "Hey!" you whisper yelled, the boy jumped, turning to look at you, surprised ocean blue eyes met your (e/c) ones, and you waved him to you, he glanced back to where hook was calling angerly for him and rushed over to your hiding spot, you grabbed his hand, leading him to a hollowed tree, and shoved him in, fawn following him in and you climbed in, bringing up the leaf cover, pressing your back to the trunk.

Heavy footsteps.

"BOY" the ocean eyed boy jumped, his hand coming up to grip your shoulder tightly, his eyes filling with tears "WHERE ARE YOU, COME OUT NOW"
a few moments of tense silence, before hook grumbled, muttering how the boy would regret running off later.

The footsteps walked away, but none of you moved till fawn flew out, seeing no pirate and called for you to come out, the boy asking what the bell was, but you ignored him, leading him back out.

"umm" the boy started nervously, a thick Scottish accent on his tongue "th-thanks" he mumbled, looking at your through his lashes.

"your welcome" you smiled at him, his cheeks turned pink, fawn giggled, the boy's eyes widened, seeing his sister stomping up behind you.

"HARRISON HOOK" your heart froze...hook? "HOW DARE YOU!?! YOU KNOW HOW DAD IS, COME ON" a girl with curly black hair grabbed the boys collar, freezing when she saw you.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now