not an x reader but Harry hurt/comfort fic~

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He was tired, fuck he was so tired. Auradon was just-so damn-exhausting. From the mornings packed with lessons, the afternoons with tutoring sessions, and after that-his homework-and then-and then! He still had to do his electives! It was just-all so much in so little time, he had been given barely any time to adjust. He hardly had time to sleep anymore, regularly staying up till four am just to -attempt- to figure out his mathematics homework, of which he still had several weeks backed up because he just-couldn't get this one problem solved.

And no one was listening to him, not one of his teachers would accept his 'excuse' of just-he couldn't fucking read or see what they were writing down, the numbers always switched around and turned to gibberish, he was always seated either in the middle or front of the class, but even then-he couldn't read the fucking board; it was just all so-fuzzy.

It was just-all too much. And one day, it just all bubbled over, he had been standing at the front of class, head down with his eyes clenched shut, his jaw locked as red sparked at the edge of his vision. The teacher had 'caught' Harry cheating, which he wasn't! He was just trying to see the board! He had been using his phone's camera to get a better look and the teacher, Mr.Deley, had caught him in the act and accused him of cheating.

Evie had tried to defend him, but the fuck had only brought up her mirror, shutting the princess up in shame. She had only done it once, and it was back when she didn't plan on staying at Auradon prep. But Evie had lost her fire, staring down at her shaking hands as Mr.Deley shook his finger in Harry's face, not realizing the effect of his actions on the vks; especially Harry.

Harry was near full-body shaking, his hands clenching tightly to his shirt hem. Even Chad noticed, he furrowed his brows and started to stand, but before he could speak; Mr.Deley, unfortunately, hit the last nail in the coffin "I should speak to Fairy godmother about expelling you, you have been nothing but trouble" he hissed and he stepped back as Harry looked up, the ocean blue was gone-only consumed by glowing blood red, tears threatening to fall. "fuckin' do it then" Harry snarled, his lip curling over his teeth like a frightened animal. "it'll be bette'r fer all of us if am nae' 'ere" Harry left his stuff behind as he stormed out of the classroom, the door cracking as Harry slammed it.

The classroom was silent for a moment, all staring at where Harry had been. then they all turned to glare at Mr.Deley, who grumbled and crossed his arms "Good riddance" he muttered, turning back to his class; about to start teaching again but Chad stood, grabbed his stuff and Harry's stuff, and walked out; Evie and Doug following close behind, then one after the other, each student left the room, all saying nothing to Mr.Deley.

"Excuse me!" Mr.Deley seethed, he had not been expecting anyone to stand with Harry, especially of all people; Chad. "Come back here, I did not dismiss you!"

"Fuck you!" Evie yelled back, grinning as Chad and Doug burst into laughter "Yeah fuck you!" Chad yelled as he turned on his heels, flipping off his ex-favorite teacher and turning again, handing Harry's bag to Evie "I'm going to talk to FG, I know I fucked up a long time ago; and I'm sorry, but this has gone on for too long." Evie nodded with a smile, taking Harry's bag from Chad and watching him as he ran off towards FG's office, then she turned to Doug "Come on, we should find Harry before something happens" Doug looked mildly concerned before he let Evie tug him along, Evie pulling out her phone to text the vk group chat.

(Blueberryprincess – Code blood: Mr.Deley went too far, Harry took off.)
Almost immediately Uma texted back; (QueenSeagoddess – shit, any idea where he went?)
(Blueberryprincess – didn't have the chance, he ran out of class and cracked the door when he did)
(QueenSeagoddess – oh shit he's mad mad, find him quickly, we don't want a bloodbath on our hands)

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