Anger issues- Harry Hook x Daughter of the queen of hearts! Reader

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warning: swearing, and abuse, mental and physical

Anger issues- Harry Hook x Daughter of the queen of hearts! Reader

outfit and accessories

Could I request an imagine for Harry Hook? Where he is dating the daughter of the queen of hearts, who is a lot like her mother: temperamental, easy and explosive anger, likes to yell for heads 5o be off when she gets mad. She doesn't like being told what to do by Uma and Uma doesn't really like that. But she still belongs to Uma's crew because she doesn't like Mal's crew because they used to be her friends but left her. Sorry if it's long

here ya go!

request from cerealkiller1975 on Tumblr

-isle of the lost-

you grit your teeth as you stomped off the docks, grumbling to yourself,

"damn Uma, telling me what to do, who does she think she is"

You snatched an orange from a stand and growled at the merchant when he protested, and he whimpered and slunk back behind his stand. you rolled your eyes and made your way to your mother's hair salon, along the way remembering what had happened

"damn harry, I'm his girlfriend, why does he always defend her."

'well' you thought bitterly 'maybe ex-girlfriend now'


you sat at the long table where the crew sat and grabbed a fry from Harry's tray and threw it in your mouth, sticking your tongue out at him when he glared at you, you rolled eyes and grabbed another, Harry rolled his eyes, pushed the tray between you two, and scooted closer.

"(y/n)!" you groaned and slammed your face into your arms on the table, Harry frowned at her and raised an eyebrow before turning back to his food.

"(y/n)!" Uma pulled at (y/n)'s jacket and pulled you up to look at your face, "are you listening to me!?"

you glared at her "not really"

Uma growled at you and said "well you are now, I need you to do something for me" you hummed and placed a finger on your chin before letting out a chirpy "how bout no~"

Uma's eyes darkened "what."

you turned and smirked at her, "I said: how. Bout. No."

Uma snarled

"I am your captain you will do as I command!"

"and I said no!"

As you both were bickering Harry tensed his muscles and whirled around

"(y/n)!!! do as she says!!!"

You spun around to see Harry glaring at you, staring at you with a look you've never seen before.


"because she's you're captain!"

"why does that matter?!"

"because she let ye on the crew! Ye wanted on now ye gotta take orders from her!"

"I only joined because Mal wasn't around anymore!"

"yea I know that!! And then ye came here!!! Ye agreed to join and serve under Uma!!! And we all follow Uma without question!!! WHY ARE YE SO UNWILLING TO TAKE ORDERS YE SEEMED FINE TAKING THEM FROM MAL"

You snarled at him

"don't you ever mention that ever again!! And wow it sounds like you're in love with her! Are you forgetting I'm your girlfriend?!"

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now