Touch starved

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blame my tumblr moot hanas-headcanons for this fic yall 


Harry-being from the isle, didn't grow up with normal affection, the most you got physically was fist bumps, baps on the head, punching each other as hard as you could (for funsies~) and the very rare; pats on the back.

Yeah...isle kids didn't get much affection growing up, leading many many to be touch starved. Such as the C4; Mal would smack at and basically hiss at anyone that tried to touch her that wasn't Ben or her friends, only to actually melt into Ben's arms when he hugged her gently. Evie thrived on physical affection, taking every chance she got to huddle up to someone she was close to. Jay loved being just-squished, happy to be the pillow or mattress. Carlos was the most-skittish of the three- he preferred gentle touches and soft hugs, preferring to be the one laying on Jay instead of being under Evie or Mal.

So Harry ended up being...adverse to touch, he didn't like it, plain and simple. Only people close to him had permission to touch him, Uma and his sisters being the few with that permission. Then he met you, a bright, affectionate, cheery sunspot that suddenly crashed into his life when he arrived in Auradon.

You were just a quiet thing, sitting in the back of the class with your nose buried in your sketchbook. whenever the teacher called on you; you knew the answer, not even looking up from your art. He didn't know what had drawn him to you, maybe it was that comforting personality you had, maybe it was your soft smile, or maybe it was that you had never judged him for all his mental bullshit.

He just one day realized oh, there you are; as you were laughing about your stupid joke about pirates. That was the day he admitted to himself tha the had fallen in love. He had confessed soon after, and realized you might be a bit more work than he thought, not in a bad way but-you were and are an EXTREMELY affectionate person, he could tell you wanted to hug him when he told you his feelings, but you settled for taking his hands and shaking them about. He felt a little bad, one of the huggiest girls at Auradon prep and she ended up with the one dude who hated hugs.

He remembered telling you so before you really even became friends 'I hate hugs. Never got em never wanted em' he could feel the pity coming from you, or maybe it was just sadness in general. "you've never been hugged?" you had sounded so broken, as if just the thought hurt you to the core. But after you got together, you compromised, you could do whatever you wanted with his hands, hold em, play with em, anything, just-don't hug him without a week's warning.

But one day, Harry was fully distracted, and you were too, bouncing around the room hyped up from your art project being accepted for the nautical art competition, leaping towards Harry and into his arms, laughing as he went stone still; snapped out of his daydream.

"oh, crap-im so sorry Harry! I got so caught up in my emotions and-and" you started to pull away, face flushed in embarrassment before Harry held you tight, practically melting into your arms "Harry?"

"where 'ave ye been all me life" Harry grumbled, his arms around your waist tight and unbreakable, he-he was hugging you. "fuck" you beamed, realizing Harry-liked- your hugs. You quickly held him again, rubbing your face against his head, giggling as he gasped and snuggled into you "fuck" you laughed louder, oh he was just so cute. "pirate puddle" you teased as Harry muttered curses, his cheek smushed into your shoulder as he pressed his hands to the small of your back. One of your hands started to run through his hair, your fingernails scratching his scalp and Harry felt as if he was going to melt right then and there. He let out a garbled mess of noises and you tilted to the side, landing on his bed and continuing to giggle as Harry practically crawled into your lap, every ounce of his weight being pressed against you.
"yeh can hug me whenever ye' want, jus' lemme know it's you first" Harry mumbled, sounding very sleepy, as if just your touch was comforting enough to put his mind at ease to sleep.

You nodded against his head; your lips pressed to his forehead "promise! Promise." Harry hummed, happy at your response, and moved his face to press into the crook of your neck, smiling against your skin as you giggle at the feeling "told you; hugs are great"

"should've listened"

"yep yep"


again, blame Hana for this, they messaged me about touch starved Harry this morning and i just-HAD to, ive been wanting to write TC'd Harry for a while anyway so this just gave me the excuse, gonna do more with different situations, i just wanna see/read Harry fucking shake and melt when (y/n) holds his face for the first time 

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