What a steal -Ficlet

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Your eyes flickered between the hook laying only a few inches away from Harry's arm and his face, your hand slowly crawling closer and closer to the metal weapon as he licked his lips clean of cinnamon sugar and beer.

In a flash, the curve of the hook was in your palm and you took off, giggling like mad as Harry stood and turned to yell after you, a fond smile on his churro-covered lips "When I catch ye, yer gonna regret tha'!"

You just laughed, spinning around as you waved his hook teasingly at him, the others within the Auradon fair crowd giggling at your little display "If! You catch me!" and with that you took off, bobbing and weaving between people and tables.

Harry downed the rest of his beer and wiped his mouth, before slamming the empty cup on the table and racing after you. Your laughter was like music to his ears as he got closer with each heart-pounding step, you looked back to check on him and squeaked at seeing his hand only inches away from your shirt collar. You hit the brakes and juked him, squealing as Harry tumbled over himself; he didn't expect that!

"Cheater!" Harry yelled, quickly getting back up and going after you once again, one of the bands in the area playing joyfully as your chase continued. All too soon you felt a hand on your jacket bottom and you were tugged into your boyfriend's arms, giggling wildly as he wrestled you into submission and pressed his lips to your ear

"Ye are such a lil imp my love" he muttered, and you just laughed, keeping a tight grip on his hook as he tried to pry it from your fingers. "Give it" Harry hissed, chuckling as you kept trying to get out of his arms and keep the hook. "No! Shiny! Mine!" You cackled, kicking up and around as your fellow fair goers just smiled at your stupid yet cute display.

You squeaked as Harry picked you up with surprising ease, the hook hitting your gut as your arms automatically going around his neck as his hands cradled your legs and shoulders "Aye, but yer mine" Harry whispered, that devilish smirk on his lips as he made his way back to your table, were your friends were waiting, laughing away at your, ultimately failed, theft attempt.

"But! Good try love," Harry chirped, kissing your cheek as you arrived back at your table, setting you on your feet and taking his hook back "Not good enough though" you pouted at him, narrowing your eyes as he sat down, grinning up at you with that stupid pretty face of his.

"One day, one day I will successfully steal that from you" you muttered, turning and sitting in Harry's lap, stealing the last of his churros as he hummed, setting his hook down and cuddling into your neck, closing his eyes as your friends went back to the conversation they were having before you tried to steal Harry's hook.


short but sweet~ got inspired by a tik tok comfort character prompt, i just had to~

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now