Commission work - The sea four

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Notes; Reader is trans masc (has had top surgery, no bottom surgery-is on T)- non-bio kid of Hades (more apprentice kinda thing with Hades seeing reader as his son cuz reasons), poly ship with Uma, Harry, and Gil.



What was originally supposed to be a normal day on the isle, aka running errands for your boss-kinda father figure; Hades. Had turned into something completely different, you had just been heading back to Hades lair when your boyfriend, Harry Hook; came racing up to you, his eyes alight with mischief and near bloodlust.

"(y/n), darlin', love, firelight, babe-" you turned, covering the blabbering pirates mouth with your hand, raising your brow at him. "What?" you said with a low sigh, licking your lips as Harry pried off your hand and got into your face, his hook caressing your jaw. "Guess who's on tha' isle~" Harry purred, his eyes flashing a slight red and you knew it could only be one person that would make him react this way.

"The dragon bitch is back?" you asked, voice turning dark and sinister, a sadistic smirk growing on your face. Harry just giggled, his hand moving from yours to rest on your shoulder, almost bouncing in place "aye~ and Uma 'as a plan, she told me ta come get ye" you hummed and nodded, taking Harry's hook from your jaw and shaking it about.

"I'll be there in an hour, gotta drop the last of the supplies at Hades place" Harry huffed but nodded, grabbing your head and kissing your cheek, rubbing the shaved hair on your head before he bolted off, cackling as you tried to swipe at him for doing that. "Dork" you muttered fondly, shaking your head at your not all, there-there, boyfriend.

Then again, your other boyfriend wasn't all, there-there either. Gil wasn't exactly known for his brains, unlike Harry who liked to act kinda stupid to make people underestimate him. The thought made you snort, both your boyfriends were a bit-stupid-mostly on purpose, while you and your girlfriend held the brain cells most of the time.

Well, considering Uma was captain, it was kinda a requirement for her to have the brain cells, though once in a while she let Harry have a turn with it, which led to...sometimes very explosive ideas from him. you chuckled as one of those ideas came to mind, taking out your key to Hades lair and unlocking the front gate, pulling opening the creaking iron gates and stepping inside, spinning on your heel to close and relock the gates before descending into the tunnels, blue lights flashing overhead to illuminate the abandoned mineshaft.

Soon you made it to Hades lair, setting the hefty bag full of food on the floor "Got your stuff" you muttered, spinning on your heel to leave as soon as you could to help Uma plan for revenge when you heard Hades whistle, pointing at you as you turned to face him slowly "c'mere kid" Hades muttered, sitting up properly in his minecart seat and gesturing for you to come closer.

You sighed, stepped up onto his little platform, and crossed your arms "What's got you in a rush?" Hades asked; a slightly teasing tone to his voice "Got a hot date with your pirates?" you didn't hesitate to answer his question truthfully "Mal's back on the isle"

Hades just stared at you, and you could tell he really didn't care that his biological kid was back on the isle "And Uma wants me to help plan revenge, something about fairy pie" Hades hummed, leaning back in his chair and examining his nails. "Alright, have fun, don't kill her" you snorted with a nod, knowing Uma had too much planned to kill Mal, saluting him as you turned and left the lair; beelining it to the chip shop.

You let out a cough as you burst into the chip shop, feeling a strong set of arms catching you as you tried to jump down the steps to the main floor "hi Gilly" you grunted as Gil laughed loudly, carrying you over to the main table and setting you down, standing behind you as Uma raced about the shop; trying to keep up with her work while also trying to plan for her revenge against Mal.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now