Glorious Chaos~

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A fast-paced, pitched giggle came from the shadows next to the isle marketplace, glowing (e/c) eyes watching as they moved their fingers ever so slightly and it almost seemed in reaction that a merchant tripped and landed face first in his rotten tomatoes, the other merchants laughing or wincing at the fools poor fate.

The shadow figure hummed, glancing about before smirking, wiggling their fingers again and laughing as a rope pulled around another merchant's ankles and pulled her into the air, others gasping and staring up at her. "What are you idiots looking at!" the woman screeched, clawing at the small crowd below her "Get me down from here!!!"

The shadow figure laughed again and dissipated from the alleyway, appearing a few building tops away.

They glanced over the isle once more, looking for chaos to cause.

Oh, did I forget to introduce our little character here? I did? Sorry about that, this is (y/n), the descendant of Eris, Goddess of discord.

And what was fun about their magic or "powers" was that they worked within the barriers of the isle of the lost, no one knew why they did, no one knew they did in the first place. But (y/n)'s mother had said long ago that discord and chaos followed no rules, including magical ones unless set by her own word as a goddess, so their magic was free to roam and play with whenever they were.

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