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you hated thunder and lighting, you hated it since you were a kid, ever since

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you hated thunder and lighting, you hated it since you were a kid, ever happened. No im not going to tell you what happened, use your imagination.

You to Auradon, Auradon college at least, you had been homeschooled due to your intense anxiety. And now, you wanted to try your hand at real school, at Auradon state college.

For an art degree of course.

You had been drawing all your life because, with your weird inability to make friends, you had a lot of free time, so you spent it drawing. And you had gotten very good.

Enough to get a scholarship at least.

It had been about a month and a half since your arrival to the school, and you were alone as you had ever been, everyone already seemed to be friends with everyone, many knowing each other since childhood or school.

You haven't really tried to talk to anyone though, you tried once, but they ignored you, so you stopped, and no one else had caught your eye.

Well, one person did, harry Hook, son of captain hook.

He was really really, freaking pretty.

God his voice too, his height didn't help either.

He had a very diffract personality around his friends uma and gil, sweet, kind, full of laughter, and selfless.

Every time you tried to talk to him your shyness and anxiety prevented you from really talking to him, so you would walk over to him, and he would turn slightly at the sound of your footsteps and instead of, I don't know, smiling and saying " hi harry"? Nope, you would duck your head and walk past him.

God, you had it bad for the 19-year-old pirate.

Too bad he didn't even know you existed.

Your teacher called your name, in your art history class, and you jumped, focusing in on him, you nodded, a blush filling your face, seeing everybody's eyes on you.

Please stop.

Your breathing turned heavy, curling into your self, begging silently for the teacher to call attention off of you.

"Just wanted to make sure you're with us, okay now-"

Everyone slowly started to turn away, but you didn't see a pair of ocean blue eyes stay locked on you.

You sighed looking down at your sketchbook, squeaking softly at the familiar face staring off in the distance.

You quickly turned the page, even as just a sketch in your book, harry did things to you.

You looked out the window, seeing a large dark cloud in the sky, about to overtake the sun, checking your phone for the weather, it said cloudy with a chance of rain, 0% chance of thunder/lightning storm.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now