happy birthday

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​ sweetweaslygirl on tumblr happy bday!


You groaned as you woke up, stretching out as you did so. "ug what time 'sit?" glancing at the clock, you broke out into a grin.

1/08/2019 9:45 am.

It's your birthday!!!! Leaping up, you hurridly showered and got dressed, shoving on your dark blue jacket with blue flames licking up the sides.

-note, you are the descendant of hades-

Shoving on your boots, you rushed up the stairs, grinning as you burst out onto the deck.

"what's got you so happy?" you turned seeing uma staring at you with her arms crossed.

"well, today is-" uma rolled her eyes, pushing past you and towards the chip shop.

" Yeah, whatever, get to your job for today" she pointed at the ship notification board, where your name was held, and underneath it was your list of things uma wanted you to do.

"but today-"

"I don't care (y/n)!" your shoulders slumped, uma never made you work on your birthday, and she never forgot it.

What the hell?


Gil rushed past you, holding a bucket of...something "hi (y/n)!" he skidded around the corner, grinning as he rushed back to the ship "bye (y/n)!"

Not even a happy birthday from gil? The sunshine child of the lost revenge? What was going on?

You sighed, walking down the merchant's way, collecting the money for uma and grabbing some presents for yourself.

An arm fell on your shoulder, in the corner of your eye, you saw a scarlet jacket.

"hey harry" you mumbled, keeping pace to make your way around the pay route, you just wanted to go back to bed, some birthday this was turning out to be.

"harry" you started, looking up at him "do you know what today is"

He looked at you confused "of course!" your heart fluttered a little, before crashing down at his next words "it's January 9th?"

You shoved him away, tears burning at your eyes. "nevermind"



You slammed your fist into the record player, the constant barking of dogs ceasing, your father jumping slightly as you did so.

"gods (y/n) what the hell was that for?" you snarled, chucking a can across the room. "(y/n)? are you alright" your father took on a soft tone, walking up to you and placing his hands on your shoulders.

"n-no" your voice cracked, turning into your father's arms "everyone forgot, even Harry"

"your birthday? That sucks little flame" he held you close, rubbing your back "but who knows? They might have been faking it ya know?" you rolled your eyes, pulling away from him and flopping into his chair.

"oh yeah how so?" hades shrugged, sitting on the armrest "ya know, making you have a bunch of chores the entire day, ignoring you, making you think they forgot so they can safely set up a party for you or something" you sat up, staring at him.

"you fucking know something!" hades smirked, patting your head.

"I know that if you head back now you'll be happily surprised"

You leaped up, racing out of his lair.

"bye, dad!"

"bye! Happy birthday!!"


As you arrived at the ship, you felt hands cover your eyes. You tensed, grabbing their wrists and preparing to flip them when they spoke up.

"woah! Lassie don't! I was trying to surprise yeh" it was harry, you huffed, ripping his hands off and turning to face him, the shout gripping at your throat fading when you saw his attire.

A sleeveless vest with a cravat, his least unripped pair of pants, and his dark red boots. "harry, why are you dressed like that?" you tugged at the lapel.

"for yer birthday party, of course, ~" he purred, taking your hands and pulling you with him.

"you-: you stopped, harry turning to look at you as you did so, face forming in shock as he saw your face. You felt tears drip down your face, heat building in your cheeks.

"you remembered?" Harry's face softened, bringing you into a hug.

"How could I forget, now come on, there a party for yeh in the chip shop."

=the end (sorry if it's bad, it was on short notice)=

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