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*implied abuse, depression, thoughts of suicide


It was dark.

Dark and cold.

Wind whistled as it surrounded the desolate darkness Harry found himself stuck in. pitch black tar pulled at his legs and hands, threatening to drag him down till he was nothing but that darkness.

It had been getting harder to pull out of, too tiring to do so sometimes. Some days he found himself chest deep-and he would have to claw his way out of that darkness-panting with exhaustion when he finally pulled out enough to not fear drowning.

Sometimes-he would have an extra hand to pull him up, sometimes there would be someone pushing him deeper into that tar, poisoning his mind and heart. He would cry out sometimes-he did it more often when he was a kid-but sometimes he didn't get an answer.

Sometimes he would sink below the surface-blood rushing through his ears as his eyes closed and he took a deep breath, the light behind his eyes turning bright red as screams and lightning shook his head.

Sometimes he thought about giving up, just let the tar swallow him whole, to close his eyes and stop breathing. Flashes of light convinced him otherwise, warm hands and wide grins pulled him out of that tar-their light thinning the black substance till Harry was able to stand on it-free of it till it grabbed him again.

But it always grabbed him again, poisoned words and sneering lips forced him back into that tar, matching blue eyes staring down at him in hate. He hated him, Harry hated him so much. The man who had doomed him to the darkness that surrounded him. his back burned with cruel memories, the feeling of his skin tearing had never quite left his brain.

The deeper he was in that darkness- that pitch black tar-the more those memories hurt, only sending him deeper into the darkness. He had good days-but the bad days were frequent, sometimes unable to drag himself out of that tar, his chest tight and stomach a pit.

Suddenly there was a light. A bright, warm, ever-growing light. He turned away from it at first, swallowing down the rock in his throat. But the light stayed, getting brighter every day, bigger, warmer.

He finally let himself look, and felt like a weight was lifted off his chest, that tar becoming water as he crawled out of it, reaching towards that light. He called out its name, their name, and suddenly the darkness was blasted away, leaving only light.

He felt pressure on his chest-but not of that darkness, but of them, holding him tight and close, laughing as the room grew brighter. He felt that warmth seep into his skin, burning away the cold and the hate he had been drowned in all his life. He held them close, closing his eyes and basking in their warmth, the tar below his feet turning to nothing but steam.


Idk-saw a thing-got inspired-can be read as an x reader or a C! character x Harry~!

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