flu sucks

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rikersgirl22 on tumblr said:

Can I request a Harry fic where he falls ill and the reader takes care of him? If this isn't something you write I understand.


He felt...bad...that was the best way to describe it, and dizzy, and achy...all around he just felt bad. He stumbled down the stairs of Evie's castle, gripping onto the rails as he focused on not cracking his head open on the bottom, Evie wouldn't like that, and shed so generously opened her house to him when he'd got caught in the rain and her place was the only shelter close enough.

He did his best to keep his eyes open so he didn't bump into anything while trying to reach Evie's medicine cabinet....medicine real medicine, something that didn't exist on the isle. Harry caught himself on the counter as he stumbled to the cabinet, it hitched his side, he hissed, that was going to leave a mark. His feet weren't really cooperating, they felt far away and loose, he could feel himself shiver and tremble.

He reached the cabinet, he flung open the doors and squinted at the multiple canisters with odd names on them. Huffing he fumbled for the light, winching when the brightness made his headache worse, oh hades please let there be something to help with nausea.

There was, he grasped that, placing it down on the counter, along with a box with a picture of someone blowing their nose. There was also some painkillers, so he grabbed those as well.

His hands were shaking badly as he poured the pills into his hands, several spilling into his palm, he paused, putting all but one back into the bottle, he didn't want to overdose or something.

Glancing back up he saw a bag with blue raspberry candies, that helped with sore throats and coughing. Those will be needed, especially with the crackly feeling at the back of his throat every time he swallowed. He grabbed a handful, stuffing them in the pockets of the black sweatpants Evie gave him.

Picking a pain killer for cramps (his lower torso area was starting to give him pause) he tossed that and the other pain killer in his mouth, gagging as they caught on his dry tongue, he rushed over to the sink, drool pooling from his mouth as he spit the two pills into his hand before his food from the day regurgitated.

Tears burned at his eyes, throwing up sucked, and the nasty taste of stomach acid made him want to gargle bleach.

What the fuck was up with Auradon medicine, Harry thought as he stuck his head under the faucet, turning it to cold. He groaned as he figured out you were probably supposed to drink water with the pills.

Stumbling back over to the medicine cabinet, picking the pills once more, not wanting to put the ones he half vomited over back in his mouth. his shakiness was not helping him get the pills, the cold tile of the floor was also not helping, he took off his socks before bed, so his feet were getting really cold and achy.

He stuck his head back under the faucet, carefully swallowing the pills so he wouldn't puke again.

He slumped against the edge of the sink, shivering, hoping for the pills to take effect soon, when they didn't he groaned lightly, using his palms to push himself back lightly and turn towards the stairs, wait...he glanced back at the pill bottles and huffed, trying his best to clean them up and put them away, but his trembling wasn't helping, so he left them in a semi neat line on the counter below the cabinet and turned away from them. Sticking his hand in his pocket he fished out a candy, popping one in his mouth, the sweet flavor of blue raspberry soothing his throat.

Now to head back upstair and slee-...upstairs, he glanced at the dark hallway leading to the upper floor, and winced, getting down was hard enough, he might kill himself by trying to head back to his room.

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