Sick - Oneshot- daughter of ouat! pan reader

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sweetweasleygirl on tumblr asked:

Hey, can I request for a Harry/female reader oneshot? In the request reader is the daughter of Peter Pan and Wendy, and reader and Harry are dating since one month. And also, reader lives on Island of the Lost and she is part of Uma's crew. The oneshot could be reader getting sick with a cold and a fever and Harry bandoning everything only to take care of his girl for the rest of the day!


h/c- hair color

y/n- your name


Harry kept glancing at the chip shop doors, wondering where his girlfriend of one month was, she had been missing for the entirety of the day, and it was well passed afternoon, and (y/n) was usually up by this time.

Usually at the chip shop ready to start the day with him.

But she wasn't here.


Being sick sucked, stuffy nose, scratchy throat, sweaty as all hell, and with no medicine and freshwater, or comfortable bedding. It was hell.

You hacked out a wet cough, green throat gunk spitting on your tissue.

"gueh, dis suks, *snurf* jus go aday sdupid cold"

You blew into another tissue, tossing that into the trash, that was building up with snotty tissues.

What sucks it that Harry had something planned for you two to do today, Gil had spilled the beans, apparently, he had found a secret cave, with crystals lining the ceiling lighting up the cave and a small lake, clean enough to drink.

At least that's what Gil heard from Harry, but you wouldn't be able to find out, you had caught a cold from the smee twins.

You shuddered, chills running down your arms and spines, pulling the blanket up to your shoulders and fell asleep.

—harry hook—

I knocked on (y/n)s hideout door, in the rhythm that (y/n) and I made when we were kids, tapping my hook against my thigh.

...five minutes went by

okay, im getting worried, (y/n) is very quick and light on her feet, thanks to her dad.

But she had yet to answer the door, and there was no beep of the mechanism for the lock to let me come in.

I left the front, circling around the back, chucking a rock at a hidden button, opening a trap door.

"(y/n)?" I called as I entered, gripping my hook tightly in case of danger, no response, I silently climbed the stairs, heading to her room.

I arrived at the door, putting my ear to it, sighing in relief when I heard snores emitting from the room.

I carefully pushed the door open, seeing (y/n) asleep in her bed, all curled up. Snoring...wait snoring? She never snores, crossing the room I knelt down next to her bed, her face was red and puffy, her nose especially so, and her eyes were dried with tears.

Placing my hand on her forehead, I flinched slightly when the heat hit my hand.

She's sick.

Cursing to myself, I stood, she probably got sick from skipper and sterling.

I brushed her (h/c) hair away from her face, eyes softening at her sleeping face.

I kissed her forehead, whispering "I'll be right back lassie"


Uma watched Harry scramble around the ship, gathering things for...soothing or other, clean cloths, sheets, bedding.

"harry" he stopped, looking at uma, raising his brow

"what are you doing? You're supposed to be doing you're route right now"

"sorry uma, can't do that"

Umas eye twitched "what?"

"(y/n)s sick, I gotta take care of her"

Uma sighed, jumping down from her seat on the rails.

"Harry you have duties here on the ship-"

He interrupted her, a harsh pout on his face

"and I have duties to (y/n)"

Uma huffed, staring at Harry, him staring right back, daring her to try to order him to stay away from (y/n) when she needed help.

Uma leaned back, pinching the bridge of her nose


Harry brightened, "thanks uma!" he grabbed his hat, plopping it on his head "ill do a double shift for yeh later kay?"

"fine fine, go to your girl"

As Harry ran off, uma rolled her eyes and smiled,

"a hook and a pan...who would have thought"


You woke up to the sound of someone walking around your apartment, you bolted up, immediately becoming dizzy.

"whoa whoa, lassie! Stay down yer sick! Yeh shouldn't be getting up' was just harry, you nodded and laid back down, the black spots decreasing as Harry's handsome face came into focus.

"hi" you croaked, as Harry laid a cool cloth on your head, making oyu sigh in relief. "whad are you doing here? Don't you have dtuff to do for uma?"

Harry softly smiled, brushing stray hairs away from your face, "yeh are more important lassie, Umas stuff can wait.'

You gave a dopey smile, which he returned, and he leaned down to kiss your cheek.

"get some rest lassie, when yeh wake up there's gonna be some food waiting for yeh"

"kay" you snuggled into Harry's blanket, which he laid on you when he arrived earlier. And fell into a deep sleep.

–the end–

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now