Commission work - Oneshot - Poly Huma x NB reader - News

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Oh shit...oh fuck.

Oh shit oh fuck, oh shit shit fuck.

This was not planned; this was not planned one bit. This had not been part of your calculations.

Falling in love with your captain and first mate was very much NOT on your agenda of life. Being a pirate? Yep. Plotting to leave the isle? Yep. Being non-binary? Well not at first but yep that was on the agenda.

Falling in love with Uma; Daughter of Ursula and Harry Hook; son of Captain Hook? nope, nada, never in all your years had you planned for that one.

But how could you not? Uma's otherworldly beauty and compassion doing nothing but drawing your heart towards her. Harry's passion and fucking diamond-cut jawline drawing you into a pit of fluster and heart palpitations whenever you locked eyes with him.

And it was your luck that they were already dating, they had taken other lovers before but it never lasted long, and while you might've had a leg up on the others, being one of their oldest friends and knowing everything about them, you were terrified to ask about potentially joining their relationship and ruining the friendship you had built over the years.

...they didn't even know you were non-binary, they still thought of you as 'daughter of captain jack sparrow' instead of just 'descendant of', and you wanted to tell them about that before you even thought about asking them out.

You sighed, smacking your head down onto your pillow and closing your eyes, remembering the first time you had met them when you were only 5 years old.


You had been walking along the docks, just beside your father's ship; the black pearl with Mr. Gibbs watching you from the deck. And as you turned on the ball of your foot to walk back to the other end you heard a voice, two of them actually, whispering.

"Is that really it?" a girl asked, the shuffling of clothes coming from the same spot as a boyish voice joined her, and it had a Scottish accent.

"Aye, the black pearl~ one of tha' most legendary ships in existence Uma, more known than me da's, it can sail faster than' any ship in the world, even those old British ones me dad used to sail on"

You walked towards the voices and smiled, seeing Uma; the daughter of Ursula, and Harry Hook; the son of Captain Hook, staring in awe at your dad's ship.

"I can show you it if you'd like?" you giggled a bit as Harry jumped into the air in fright as Uma whirled around with her fists up, a glare set on her adorable face.

"Who are yeh?" Harry asked in a growly tone, one that didn't fit his pitched voice, as he pointed his oversized hook at you.

"(y/n), (y/n) Sparrow" you chirped, grinning as Harry's eyes winded and he let his arm drop, Uma grabbing onto his jacket as she realized exactly who you were. "Now would you, or would you not like a tour of my dad's ship?"

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now