if you will marry me

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"Harry?" you called out gently as you stepped into the room, it was dark and quiet, as usual when it wasn't in use for balls or galas. you looked up at the chandeliers, smiling when you remembered the last time you were here-it was for the yearly ball for the anniversary of the vks freedom day, you remembered that first day; when you met him, your harry.


You stood quietly near the wall of the ballroom, sipping carefully at your sparkling cider as Vk's and Ak's alike mingled all around the room, celebrating Lady Mal and King Ben's decision to decree the partial removal of the barrier, only those with good intent could pass through with ease; so any child or adult that wished to come and go to Auradon was free to do so.

It was one of the few ways to guarantee freedom to those who wanted it and deserved it, while keeping those who still only wanted destruction and evil behind the magical barrier. You smiled as you saw your little brother dancing about with a boy his age, their light-purple hair pulled back in a braid with a wide grin on their face.

Your eyes drew to a vk that seemed to be-out of place, or at least he felt like it, wearing a scarlet leather vest over a white button-up, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows as he tapped his fingers on his glass, his eyes on Uma and Ben who were dancing with the crowd. He looked unsure of himself, glancing down at his hands then back up at Uma.

Harry Hook, Uma's right-hand man. You chuckled, you had heard he was a very cocksure person and oozed confidence like it was second nature. And yet here he stood, in a corner and shy. You licked your lips, wondering if you should actually interact with someone when his strong accent blessed your ears.

"Seems I'm no't tha' only one alone eh?" you looked up at him, smiling softly as he looked at you, a shy grin on his pretty lips. You laughed, nodding a bit. "yeah, my brothers abandoned me a while ago, and I really don't know anyone else, so" you shrugged, leaning back against the wall as Harry joined you, looking a bit relieved to no longer be the only one alone at the grand ball. "im (y/n), (y/n) (l/n)" you introduced yourself, holding out your hand, grinning as he took it and shook it gently, squeezing your hand lightly as he gave you a dreamy grin.

"Harry, Harry Hook. Lovely ta meet ye (y/n),"


Your relationship had a slow start, it had taken you nearly a year to ask Harry out, to which he laughed and pulled out a crystalized rose and told you he was just about to ask you out. From then-everything just-set into place. It had been five years since then, Harry was now a model for Evie's fashion business, and you were going into your family business; both making enough money to support the both of you with ease.

You were comfortable, and you were happy. And Harry was ready to take another step in your relationship. "Harry?" you called his name again, crossing your arms as you stepped further into the ballroom, spinning on your heel to look for him; he had asked you to meet him here a few hours ago, on the anniversary of you asking him out.

You agreed-and here you were now, wondering where he was. He did say 3 o'clock, didn't he? "Harry?" you called again, gasping as the light above you suddenly came on, softly illuminating you and your surroundings. You laughed gently, turning every which way to try to find Harry, your smile turning soft as you heard him begin to whistle softly, walking towards you with his hands behind his back.

You recognized that tune, it was an old courting song from ages ago, one Harry's mother knew well and taught to Harriet, who taught it to Harry-in case he ever found someone he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. Realization hit you then, butterflies flurrying about in your belly as your cheeks flared to life, your breath stopping as Harry began to sing, his voice quiet and soft, his accent clear as water.

"I'll swim and sail the savage seas, with ne'r a fear of drowning" he stepped closer, taking your hands in his, his eyes sweet and soft, a near pleading to his voice as you held back a sob, tears in your eyes. "and gladly ride tha' waves of life, if you will marry me."

You swallowed, staring into his ever blue eyes you had fallen so deeply in love with, feeling his warm hands transfer his heat into your hands, you intertwined your fingers, bringing his hands up and pressing them to your lips, smiling behind your intertwined hands. "no scorching sun, nor freezing cold, will stop me on my journey. If you will promise me yer heart,"

You brought his hands down then, your voice joining his in the ballroom that contained no-one but you and your beloved pirate. "and love me for eternity~" Harry beamed, squeezing your hands and then letting them go as you raised them up in the dance Harry had so sweetly taught you a few years back, when you had first asked him about his mother and the things she had taught him in her short span of being in his life.

"my dearest one, my darling dear; your mighty words astound me." Harry joined you in that dance, his arm pressed against yours as you began to circle each other under the soft light. "but I've no need for need for mighty deeds," you switched arms and directions then, laughing as Harry beamed brightly, laughing with you as you sang. "when I feel your arms around me!"

Harry almost giggled, taking your hands and speeding up the dance, your feet dancing between each other before he dropped to one knee and guided you around him, his eyes wide and bright with pure happiness. "but I would bring you rings of gold, I'd even sing you poetry, and I would keep you from all harm! If you would stay beside me!"

You shook your head, rolling your eyes playfully as you brought Harry back up and tugged him closer, turning your back to his chest as your arms crossed over the other, still holding Harry's hands as you danced "I have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry, I only want your hand to hold!"

"I only want you near me~!" Harry sang, spinning you back around and engaging the two of you in a near waltz-like dance; his cheeks red and eyes full of nothing but love. The two of you sang together now, voices echoing in harmony within the ballroom. "to love, to kiss, to sweetly hold, for the dancing and the dreaming. Through all life's sorrows and delights, I'll keep your love beside me! I'll swim and sail the savage with ner a fear of drowning, I'd gladly ride the waves of life; if you will marry me~!" Harry picked you up and spun you around in the air, your voices holding for a moment before they turned to laughter, pure unfiltered laughter full of love.

Harry set you down, the two of you out of breath as he pulled a box out of his pocket, opening the black velvet and showing you his mother's ring, the ruby gleaming with its black band shining to accent it. "so, will ye?" Harry asked breathlessly, giggling as you just kissed him and held him tightly, holding out your hand and unable to keep still as he slid the ring onto your finger.

"I love you, mo Leannan" Harry whispered, my sweetheart, his sweet nickname for you. You grinned against him, pulling him into another kiss as you whispered those words back. "and I love you, mon amour."


......I saw a stoick n Valka edit of this song on tik tok-started making this-made an edit for Huma to the song, and then finished making this XD

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