Harry Hook x reader - Misunderstanding

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um could u make one with reader getting into a fight with Harry bc he ditched her on her bday to hook up but in reality he had a gift for her and some time passed and reader finds Harry drunk and they confess their feelings

you are the daughter of the queen of hearts

you cant believe it, he left, he left you alone on your birthday to hook up, hook up with some random broad, and your sister no less!!

It hurt, you weren't dating him but it hurt, you have been in love with him since you were 12, now today you turned 17, 6 years, 6 years of staring sadly as he flirted with uma, chased others skirts(and some pants), and the most he did with you was act friendly.

Harry hook, the son of captain hook ditched you on your 17th birthday to hook up with Cora, your sister!! The first daughter of the queen of hearts (refrences~).

your mother owned a hair salon and a jewelry shop.

But that's not important.

What was important is that you were waiting at the chip shop, waiting for harry for three hours, when you asked gil where he was, he had said "oh he's with Cora, I think they were doing it or something"

Your heart shattered, harry...harry had abandoned you...for your own sister, who bullied your relentlessly and had stolen all of your previous boyfriends (you were only with them for flings, but she stole them anyway)?

Harry would rather be with that witch than you, who had always treated him with kindness, who had cared for him when he had gone through a bad night with his dad, who had helped him when he had gotten the stomach flu.

He dropped all of that, for your bitch of a sister.

You stayed silent, not responding to either gil or uma, your anger boiling to the top.

Then HE entered.

He locked eyes with you, smiled and strutted over to you. You glared, making him stop.

"love, why are yeh lookin at meh like tha' " he furrowed his brows, looking confused.
"Why?" you seethed, standing from the table making the stool you were sitting on fall to the ground, making harry flinch.
"because you left me alone on my birthday to hook up with my fucking sister!!!!" you screamed Harry's eyes widened, still looking confused, but you didn't fall for it.

"love, wait, what are ye-"

"don't give me that crap Hook!! You let me sit here for hours wondering where you were, only to find out you were fucking my bitch ass sister!!"

"love please"


You had the attention of the other patrons now, all wide-eyed and brows raised at the argument.

"just let me explain-"


"(y/n) please it isn-"

"DON'T TALK TO ME, WHY DON'T YOU JUST GO FUCK SOME SKANK, OU SEEM TO BE GOOD AT THAT" tears streamed down your face, and you ran past harry, out the chip shop doors, and to your hideout.

You heard harry call after you, pleading for you to come back. But you didn't listen, you just continued to run.

Hours later, you heard a slam at the door, and you slowly sat up from your bed, wiping the tears from your cheeks, grasping your steel bat from the nightstand.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now