Left Behind - Audrey's sister!

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-note; If you like Mal? Or are a fan of my rewrite Mal? You aren't gonna like this fic XD I bash her so damn much, she a bitch in this straight up

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-note; If you like Mal? Or are a fan of my rewrite Mal? You aren't gonna like this fic XD I bash her so damn much, she a bitch in this straight up. So if you like her? Don't expect any kindness towards her in this. Otay byyyyye-

More notes; gift for harriyanna~ love u girl. Also, (y/n) is meant to be black (since she is Audreys sister and Audrey is black so ye) but again, I don't do any specific stuff for skin or anything like that so ye, imagine what you like :3

Also warning; strong language, death threats, suggested-beginning events of sex (consensual of course), and Mal being a whole ass bitch

Also warning; strong language, death threats, suggested-beginning events of sex (consensual of course), and Mal being a whole ass bitch

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You couldn't believe this; you really couldn't believe this! Here you were, stuck on a damn PIRATE SHIP, next to your sister's ex-boyfriend, being used as ransom for the fucking wand...what is it with vks and FG's wand?!

Well, there was an upside to this whole 'kidnapped' thing. You glanced up from your spot on the side of the wooden support beam, biting the inside of your cheek as the ruggedly handsome pirate, Harry Hook, you heard him be called, paced around the deck just in front of Ben, his predatory ocean blue eyes locked onto the king.

Harry twisted around a few times, looking towards the tunnel Bens friends and girlfriend would be coming out of then turning back on Ben, leaping down from the elevated platform he had been standing on and getting into Bens face with a sharp smile. "goochy goochy goo~ hehe~" Harry cackled, caressing the underside of Ben's chin with the curve of his hook. "how's it feel ta' be tha' king now eh~" he purred, chuckling and taking a step back as Ben just stared him, he circled the pillar you and Ben were strapped to, giving you a flirtatious grin as he went to continue taunting Ben.

Harry hook x readers (one shots and 2 parters)Where stories live. Discover now