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It was odd, being around others like this. Away from the hidden spires of your mother's tower, no longer trapped within those stained walls. You weren't used to it, having been held down by metaphorical chains for so long, for nearly 18 years, only being around your mother for all those years...so, forgive yourself if you were a bit awkward being in broad daylight surrounded by people, villains, criminals, that you had never met before.

You curled in on yourself, hiding the blood on your hands and face, wide paranoid eyes flittering about, hoping not one person would look closer and see what had happened for you to truly escape your psychotic narcissistic mother.

You had killed her, desperate to free yourself from her grip, finally snapping as she tugged on your hair connected to your bruised scalp and screamed at you. You had taken her hidden dagger from her sleeve and screamed, red encasing your vision as the life seeped out from her eyes.

Gothel was dead, and it was all your doing. You didn't regret it, not a bit. She deserved to die all over again, she would never lay her hand on anyone ever again...but now you were all alone in a 'world' that you didn't know how to navigate.

You had somehow made it to the docks, curling in on yourself as you passed by the ferocious pirates, some of which leered at you with interest; a lone girl wandering around in the dark was always a prime target for them. You quickly sped forward, pausing as you spotted a pair of painted wooden eyes peering at you from above a sign.

"Ursula's fish and chips" you muttered, you remembered your mother had taken some back to the tower for you to eat, it had been the leftovers she didn't finish but, it hadn't been the worst food on the isle. You looked back to see the leering pirates following you and you quickly went inside, hiding your bloody hands behind your jacket as you walked over to the black girl(who looked to be about your age) with teal braids. She raised her brow at you, frowning as she noticed the pirates had followed you inside and were completely locked onto you.

"do-do you have a bathroom I can use?" you whispered out, nodding in thanks as the girl immediately nodded back towards the hall towards the right of the kitchen. You nearly ran toward the hall, the pirates about to follow you but the girl had snapped her fingers, her crew looking up.

"I don't take kindly to people like you coming into my restaurant to harass girls, Harry, Gil." You heard two people, most likely Harry and Gil, stand and walk over to the pirates, one chuckling lowly.

You didn't hear anything after that, sliding into the single-person bathroom and locking the door behind you. You sighed, rubbing your face in exhaustion. You needed to wash up and find a place to sleep tonight, you couldn't bear to go back to that tower, even if she was dead now.

You stripped off your cloak and started to wash your hands and face, your clothes were dark enough to hide the blood on them but you could still feel the blood-soaked fabric sticking to your skin, so you mentally added 'get "new" clothes' to your list.

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